内容提示: Southwest Region (Arizona ● New Mexico ● Oklahoma ●Texas) http://southwest.fws.gov The Endangered Species Act recognizes that fish, wildlife and plant species have aesthetic, ecological, educational, historical, recreational and scientific value and provides a means to conserve the ...
D The Endangered Species Act was created in 1973 after the US government began to realize that several species were in danger of going extinct if humans didn't do anything to protect them."The United States has promised to play a major role in the international community to conserve the vari...
ENDANGERED SPECIES CONSERVATION by:濒危物种保护的 热度: Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species:濒危物种国际贸易公约 热度: The Federal Endangered Species(联邦濒危物种) 热度: 219 ENDANGEREDSPECIESACTOF1973 Q:\COMP\WILDLIFE\ESA73
The Endangered Species Act (ESA) has been called the strongest piece of environmental legislation in the world. However, as land use pressure increases, the ESA is threatened by both its successes and failures. Increasing landowner resistance to listing of species comes from a perception that ...
The remarkable success of the Endangered Species Act is undisputable. An astonishing 99% of the threatened species first listed have survived. Due to the heroic efforts of U.S. government employees, bald eagles now nest unmolested along the Lake Erie shoreline; grizzlies roam Montana's wilderness...
Reactive oxygen species act as signaling molecules in liver carcinogenesis ENDANGERED SPECIES CONSERVATION by:濒危物种保护的 Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species:濒危物种国际贸易公约 19327083-Complaint-in-Lawsuit-to-Put-Wolves-Back-on-the-Endangered-Species-List 濒危动物 Endangered species...
Endangered species, any species that is at risk of extinction because of a sudden rapid decrease in its population or a loss of its critical habitat. Previously, any species of plant or animal that was threatened with extinction could be called an endang
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Endangered Species Act 作者:Baur, Donald; Irvin, Wm Robert; Baur, Donald C. 出版年:2010-8 页数:457 定价:$ 158.14 ISBN:9781604425802 豆瓣评分 目前无人评价 评价: 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到
Endangered Species Act. This follows a similar announcement, mad e in March, to protect th e endangered northern long-eared bats. Th e two kinds of bats ar e in danger, mainly becaus e of an illness called white-nos e syndrome(综合征)."Bats play such an important rol e in keeping a...