Endangered Species Actmeans the Endangered SpeciesAct of 1973,Public Law93-205 (87 Stat. 884), as it may be subsequently amended. Sample 1Sample 2Sample 3 Endangered Species Act.The Parties shalltakethe actionsset outin this Agreementin supportof the Districtbefore theFederal Energy Regulatory Co...
The ESA allows certain exceptions to prohibited activities. For example, the secretary of the interior may issue a permit for a taking of a listed species that is "incidental" to an otherwise lawful activity. The applicant must prepare a conservation plan specifying the probable impact of the ...
Oklahoma ●Texas) http://southwest.fws.gov The Endangered Species Act recognizes that fish, wildlife and plant species have aesthetic, ecological, educational, historical, recreational and scientific value and provides a means to conserve the ecosystems upon which endangered or threatened species depend...
Endangered Species Act(ESA)是1973年美国通过的一项旨在保护面临灭绝威胁的动植物的重要法律。以下是对该法案的详
Endangered Species Act. This follows a similar announcement, mad e in March, to protect th e endangered northern long-eared bats. Th e two kinds of bats ar e in danger, mainly becaus e of an illness called white-nos e syndrome(综合征)."Bats play such an important rol e in keeping a...
Endangered Species Act Experimental PopulationsU.S. FishWildlife Service
内容提示: Endangered Species ActEndangered Species ActMyths and FactsThere are many misconceptions about the Endangered Species Act. Here are a fewcommon myths, followed by the truth. Success or Failure?MYTHMYTH: The Endangered Species Act is a failure becauseit has led to the recovery of only ...
Google Share on Facebook taking (redirected fromEndangered Species Act) Thesaurus Legal Financial Encyclopedia Wikipedia tak·ing (tā′kĭng) adj. 1.Capturing interest; fetching:a taking smile. 2.Contagious; catching. Used of an infectious disease. ...
endanger Endangered Species Act endangerment See all Nearby Words Cite this Entry Style “Endangered Species Act.” Merriam-Webster.com Legal Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/legal/Endangered%20Species%20Act. Accessed 28 Feb. 2025. Copy Citation Share...
保护性法令如濒危物种法案(Endangered Species Act)与犀牛和老虎产品标签法(Rhino and Tiger Labeling Act)的颁定使 … songshuhui.net|基于205个网页 2. 濒临灭绝物种保护法 ...ion Control Act) ,1973年的《濒临灭绝物种保护法》(Endangered Species Act)等。?