year-end bonus 大家整天心心念念的年终奖,在英语中用到的是year-end“年末的”,然后再加上bonus,组合起来就是年终奖啦。 bonus: /ˈboʊnəs/ n. 奖金;红利 学会“年终奖”这个单词是不是比拿“年终奖”容易多啦! 例句: The workers expected to share out a year-end bonus. 工人们期望年终分红。
As the year 2019 wraps up, a broader picture of how the global and Chinese economy fared this year can be seen. Though the official data has not been released, the latest forecast by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) showed that the world eco...
So far I have a sufficiently-detailed plan for 2022. We've also been developing a 10-year roadmap between me and Cassie. This is something we will continue to iterate on and refine as we answer important questions about what it is that we want. It's kinda like making a roadmap that ...
一、2019 Year-end Review 最最主要的关键词:变化 1、工作上的变化: 2019年6月底离开待了5年的老东家(E公司),7月1日来到新东家(S公司)开始了新旅程。 离开并不容易,因为已经待了5年,并且是有深厚情谊的5年,所以离开前才会有那么真情流露的farewell letter及好几次热泪盈眶。 新旅程的适应也并不容易: 换...
Year End Review You probably have a never ending to-do list, like me, but once in awhile its good to take stock of things already accomplished. Looking at the list of things actually crossed off as done, as well as things we had not intended to do, but surprised ourselves with, are...
2008 year-end review 2008 was by all means an extraordinary year. The country celebrated 30 years of reform and opening up. It also staged a spectacular Beijing Olympic Games. But China also experienced one of the country's most devastating earthquakes. 2008 was also the backdrop for the wor...
‘Year-end review’的定义与基本概念 ‘Year-end review’,即年终总结,是对过去一年个人或组织在各个方面所取得的成绩、经历、挑战及不足进行系统性回顾与总结的过程。它不仅是对一年工作的收尾,更是对未来规划的重要参考。年终总结通常涵盖工作业绩、个人成长、团队协作、市场分析、问...
2018 Year End Review 2018年的最后一天,朋友圈里充斥着各种对于2018 年的回顾和新的一年的展望。 在星巴克看了一会书,本来还在犹豫要不要写个总结,这温暖的环境突然让我有了些感慨,生活还是需要些仪式感的,它能唤起我们对内心的自我尊重,也能让我们更好、更认真的去过属于我们生命里的每一天。对过往的一年做...
2021 is not over just yet, but it's safe to say that China will be the world's largest box office market for the second year in a row. This year, the national box office surpassed 46 billion yuan as of December 25, more than anywhere else in the world. Who...
Every end of year review should leave you rearing to achieve more the next year — so don’t be afraid to bring this up as a conversation topic. If your manager hasn’t already asked where you see yourself heading in the company, ask them that question and see what they say. Maybe th...