Google Share on Facebook Dictionary Medical Idioms Encyclopedia Wikipedia </>embed</> DNA desoxyribonuc... deoxyribonucl... sticky end noun Words related to sticky end nounan end of DNA in which one strand of the double helix extends a few units beyond the other ...
GM,Chryslertodrop1,900dealersbyendof2010 AdecisionbytroubledautomakerGeneralMotorstodrop20percentofitsdealersisdueinparttoan oversizednetworkthatcreatedstiffinternalcompetitionandgaveshopperstoomuchleveragetotalkdownsticker prices,hurtingchancesforfuturesales. GM'sannouncementFridayismorebadeconomicnewsfordealers,...
The computation is complete when a complete double strand sequence is obtained, that is when no sticky end exists in the string. Some properties of probabilistic one-sided sticker systems To receive Sticky Ends for review filled me with delight. Willis, Jeanne and Ross, Tony: Sticky Ends To ...