For their 2nd unit this school year, Y8 Students completed an IDU integrating music and design knowledge and skills. Students did this by creating a “Public Service Announcement” (PSA) advocating for inclusion. For many students it was a chance...
As a parent, I’ve always found the end of the school year to be a mixed bag. It can be an exciting time to look forward to summer plans and the relaxation, fun and family time they portend. It can offer meaningful rituals and warm celebrations with family and friends. It can also ...
These 7 lessons help your students plan, organize, and execute a community service project to give back to their school or community. You can do any or all of them depending on the needs of your class. Plan Your Community Service Project:Collaborate with your class using Google Sheets to pl...
I'm shocked that Eddie ended up becoming a lawyer. He was always getting into trouble at school and just seemed like a dead-end kid.That teacher is really good at engaging seemingly dead-end kids in their studies. See also:kid Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all ...
Ignite 2024: Are you ready for Office 2016/2019 end of support? At this year’s Ignite conference, I had the pleasure of teaming up with Microsoft 365 deployment expert Eric Wayne to dig into the details of how to prepare your organization for the end of support f... elisabeth-jonesOffic...
NOTE: This product is available in the following themes: -Money-Saving BUNDLE of 7 Games -Back-to-School -Halloween -Thanksgiving -Christmas -Valentine’s Day -Easter You may be interested in these related products: -End of Year Best Book Project: Poster & Speech ...
One day soon after school had started, I said to them, “Now I'm going to say something about reading that you have probably never heard a teacher say before. I would like you to read a lot of books this year, but I want you to read them only for pleasure. I am not going to ...
Re-posting a message from the SQL Server Release service team on Cumulative Updates till end of year: SQL Server Cumulative Updates (CU) through the...
5th Grade End of the Year Memory Book: Great End of the School Year Gift For Boys or Girls Makes A Special Gift For Students $999 current price $9.99 $22.20/lb 5th Grade End of the Year Memory Book: Great End of the School Year Gift For Boys or Girls Makes A Special Gift For Stud...
The Electoral College: A Failed School of Thought This is America Dammit: or, Not Giving Up on the Weary Mother of Exiles How to Communicate with Your Rep Undermining the Electoral College in Three Charts Calls to Action: Foster Campbell, The Recount and Electors ...