This week, theHQIS End of Year Carnivalcame to a spectacular close, leaving atrail of unforgettable memories and joyous moments.This year’s carnival was an exceptional showcase of talent, creativity, and community spirit...
The Summer Games inspired me to create these super-fun activities. Science, engineering, and math are part of these sports-themed team challenges. There are fun challenges for archery, parachuting, basketball, diving, and sailing. This is a very busy time of year for teachers, so other than ...
The last week of school, fromJune 11 to June 13, will be filled with the exciting activities and events of our annualEnd of Year Carnival. The activities will include captivating performances and the traditional school ...
students. Talk with your students about what made this year special, recall the good memories, and reflect on all you’ve learned. After all, you’ve all put in a lot of work to get to this point. Have fun with these end-of-year activities and assignments, and let the countdown ...
Regardless of what country you are from or how good or bad you are at things in life, everyone can make a New Year’s resolution. Resolve to improve yourself in one way next year! Watch a movie-marathon. This is a fun way to spend the last days of the year indoors with family and...
I used this resource last year with my seniors, as we were all still at home and distance learning at the end of the year. It was a fun activity to bring about reflection and discussion about our strange year, and I'm looking forward to doing it with my seniors again this year!
We're throwing a year-end party. 我们要举办年终聚会。 我们来欣赏一张国外年会安排表,非常接地气,不像我们国内,老板和员工都需要才艺才敢参加年会。 集合时间:assembly time 领导讲话:welcome remarks by the president 趣味活动:fun games 拔河:tug-of-war ...
The end of the school year is a great time for your middle school classroom to relax, have fun, and remember everything you learned over the past year. There are many ways to help students review and reflect, and this lesson will give you a few ideas. Make the End of the Year Fun...
As another year comes to a close, it's natural to reflect on the highs, lows, and everything in between. The end of the year is a time to celebrate the