These successions reveal that the lowlands of eastern Gondwana provided long-term refugia for thriving algal and bacterial communities after the collapse of late Permian plant biotas. We propose that the proliferation of microbial communities was both a symptom of continental ecosystem collapse, and a...
We document a reference section for the long-term patterns of sedimentological, isotopic, floristic, and environmental change through the Lopingian and Lower Triassic succession based on the fully cored borehole Pacific Power Hawkesbury Bunnerong DDH1 (henceforth, PHKB1), drilled in the synclinal a...
As to other travel bubble destinations, which unlike 'low-risk' countries wouldnot require any hotel or home quarantine, Tehan also said there had also been some "very serious discussions with some of the Pacific Island nations." Fiji is likely to be top of this list, as it's already pr...
In fact, BAT are normally combined with the term best environmental practices (BEP) which is defined as “the application of the most appropriate combination of environmental control measures and strategies” [9]. It is very common to use BAT/BEP as a target for technology improvement or ...
the lowlands of eastern Gondwana provided long-term refugia for thriving algal and bacterial communities after the collapse of late Permian plant biotas. We propose that the proliferation of microbial communities was both a symptom of continental ecosystem collapse, and a cause of its delayed recovery...
We leveraged complex dilated convolutions to model the long-term temporal dependencies of speech. By cascading the CNAB and CFCN, we created the final end-to-end time-domain enhancement network, named CNABCFCN. We trained and tested CNABCFCN using the deep noise suppression (DNS) challenge ...
The correct answer is “B”, and GPT-4V correctly answered this, with the response: “The most accurate interpretation based on the shape of the yield curve would be option B, indicating that the market expects inflation to fall sharply in the short-term”. With this established, the next...
of-cabin data. In this study, we designed an in-cabin driver intent feature extractor based on 3D residual networks and atrous convolution, which is applicable to video data and is capable of capturing a larger range of driver behavior. In order to capture the long-term dependency of ...
Nevertheless, a non-complete follow-up represents the study's limitations in long-term DESolve performance and the risk of late complications, e.g., VLST has not been properly investigated yet. As a consequence, the first generation of DESolve did not find application on the market. As such,...