There it was just a-walkin’ down the street, singin’ “Do wah diddy diddy dum Diamond Comics” — it’s the newest installment of the End of Civilization, seemingly closer than ever, so bust out your copy of the July 2018Diamond Previewsand follow along while there’s still time: p....
How will we party post-pandemic? - "In nightclubs around the world, once-crowded dance floors have remained empty for months. If you need reminding, clubbing is close contact activity: People share drinks, hug, kiss and generally invade each others personal space until the early hours of the...
Beyoncé's 'Cowboy Carter' debuts with the best first week of 2004 and a better opening number than Bey's 'Renaissance' -- we look at why.
similar to theCase-Shiller Home Price Index in the US, comparing the price of a house that sold in the current month to the price of thesame housewhen it sold previously. It tracks how many more Canadian dollars it takes to buy the same house over time, and it now takes...