select t.label_cn 机架名称, (select label_cn from room where cuid = t.RELATED_ROOM_CUID union all select label_cn from ACCESSPOINT where cuid = t.RELATED_ROOM_CUID) AS 所属机房,pkg_irms.get_city(t.related_district_cuid) 地市,(SELECT wmsys.wm_concat(DISTINCT TL.L...
命名空間: Microsoft.Data.SqlClient 組件: Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.dll 套件: Microsoft.Data.SqlClient v5.2.0 完成Transact-SQL 陳述式的非同步執行,以 XML 傳回要求的資料。 C# 複製 public System.Xml.XmlReader EndExecuteXmlReader (IAsyncResult asyncResult); 參數 asyncResult IAsyncResult 呼叫...
完成Transact-SQL 语句的异步执行,从而将请求的数据以 XML 形式返回。C# 复制 public System.Xml.XmlReader EndExecuteXmlReader (IAsyncResult asyncResult);参数asyncResult IAsyncResult 通过调用 IAsyncResult 返回的 BeginExecuteXmlReader()。返回XmlReader 可用于提取生成的 XML 数据的 XmlReader 对象。
存储过程最后一行加结束符@: 然后执行:db2 -td@ -vf /home/WGJ/proc_data_calculate.sql 1[slsadmin@localhost /]$ db2-td@-vf/home/WGJ/proc_data_calculate.sql2CREATEORREPLACEPROCEDURE"SLSADMIN"."PROC_DATA_CALCULATE"3(4INi_report_idVARCHAR(20),5INi_report_dateVARCHAR(20),6INi_organ_idVARCHAR...
Often, the desired Web workload requires additional functionality that may not be part of the built-in IIS feature set. Or, in some cases, the application may require a customized set of functionality for which the built-in features are not flexible enough. Because all of th...
Commands can include any number of commands. EXIT Transfers control from within the FOR EACH ... ENDFOR loop to the command immediately following ENDFOR. You can place EXIT anywhere between FOR EACH and ENDFOR. LOOP Returns control directly back to the FOR EACH clause without executing the ...
(MySqlCommandcancellableCommand=newMySqlCommand(sql,conn)){cancellableCommand.CommandTimeout=7200;conn.Open();returncancellableCommand.ExecuteNonQuery();}```**Expectedbehavior**Iwouldexpect to procedure to runaslongasit runs below2hours(Commandtimeout)**Additionalcontext**Addany other context about the...
Assembly: Microsoft.SqlServer.TransactSql.ScriptDom.dll Package: Microsoft.SqlServer.TransactSql.ScriptDom v161.8901.0 Represents a group of statements that start with a BEGIN and end with an END keyword in a ATOMIC block. C# Copy [System.Serializable] public class BeginEndAtomicBlockStatem...
currval函数需要你执行一次nextval才能使用,否则会报currval of sequence "cash_id_seq" is not yet defined in this session的错,这是因为在一个连接会话中,currval是保存在内存中的,所以不要尝试使用currval查看某个序列当前的值,不然你的sql可能会报错。同时当别的会话更新了序列,它的值并不会跟着更新,导致它的...
Gets or sets the first index of the token. (Inherited from TSqlFragment) FragmentLength Defines the number of characters the fragment takes up in the script it was parsed. (Inherited from TSqlFragment) LastTokenIndex Gets or sets the last index of the token. (Inherited f...