end of shift 英[end ɔv ʃift] 美[ɛnd ʌv ʃɪft] 释义 移位终止
end of shift 美 英 un.截尾移位 英汉 un. 1. 截尾移位
end of shift 移位终止 shift end 移位终止 end around shift 【计】 循环移位 End Around Shift 端回移位一种资料的移动,资料从一个储存器的一端移出来,然后再从另一端进入。 end off shift 舍入移位,舍尾移位 shift to 转向 in shift 轮流SI(shift in) 启用切换 work in shift 能够接受轮岗制的...
In other words, a player who starts an inning at first or second base has to remain on that side of the field for the whole inning but can switch to short or third base the next inning. If there's an injury mid-inning, then the infield can be reset.Editor's PicksGoodbye, shift!
on the front 词意是:(走)在前面。引申意是: (年轻人)更容易(抛弃旧技术),接受新技术。end of techologies 词意是: 技术的尽头。引申意是: (年轻人)容易抛弃旧技术。如果只从我们中学英文教学大纲的语法来解释,front是做end的定语,修饰end.但是从大学专业英文的角度,你会发现front实际上是end...
从光标定位处选择到当前行的末尾。 特别声明:以上内容(如有图片或视频亦包括在内)为自媒体平台“网易号”用户上传并发布,本平台仅提供信息存储服务。 Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Hao, which is a social media platform...
It has three pairs of legs, eachendingin a large claw. 它有3对腿,每条腿上都有一只巨爪。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 She let the long cone of ash hang at theendof her cigarette. 她让长长的烟灰留在烟头上。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 The company is planning to place surveillance equipment at bothendsof ...
If the shift reaches a region boundary, the number of characters actually shifted will be less than requested. ITfRange::ShiftEndRegion is used to shift the anchor to an adjacent region. If the shift operation causes the range end anchor to move past the start anchor, the start anchor is ...
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