End-of-life decision-making in the hospital: current practice and future prospects. J Pain Symptom Manage. 1999; 17: 6-15. PMID: 9919861Fins JJ, Miller FG, Acres CA, Bacchetta MD, Huzzard LL, Rapkin BD. End-of-life decision-making in the hospital: current practice and future prospects...
Results Out of 56 patients included in the audit, only 25 patients received end of life care. 24 patients were included as 1 chart was unavailable. Only 74% patients had their regular medication discontinued. The most common choice of documentation was palliation (34%) followed by 'keep ...
The most obvious set of formal processes affecting end-of-life experience are those comprising clinical care. Screening, diagnostic work-ups, treatments, and symptom management are key clinical activities. Although these processes involve and impact individuals and families, in the aggregate, levels of...
Death in the intensive care unit (ICU) usually occurs after treatment limitation decisions warranted by patient preferences or non-beneficial treatments [1]. The treatment plan shifts from a curative intent to end-of-life (EoL) and palliative care aimed at alleviating symptoms while also meeting t...
We used a propensity-score weighting technique to balance characteristics that differed significantly (P < .10) between the 2 groups (ie, recruitment site, Karnofsky score, Charlson Comorbidity Index, McGill quality of life symptom subscale, survival, religiousness). Logistic regression models estimated...
Homing in on the social: system-level influences on overly aggressive treatments at the end of life. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2018;55(2):282-289.e1.PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 24. Hinkle LJ, Bosslet GT, Torke AM. Factors associated with family satisfaction with end-of-life care in the...
Despite the apparent high use of hospitals at the end of life, examination of hospitalisation trajectories and reasons for hospitalisation using longitudinal population representative data across a number of causes of death is required. A recent retrospective chart study involving Dutch out-of-hours ...
Clinical documentation supported good symptom control throughout the weaning process. This case series provides preliminary evidence that the clinical protocol proposed has the ability to ensure comfort through terminal weaning of HHFNC. 展开 关键词: Keywords compassionate extubation dyspnea end-of-life ...
Subjects were enrolled over a period of roughly six months. A brief chart review abstracted demographics and known health conditions. Subjects' symptoms were assessed during a one-time interview using the validated Memorial Symptom Assessment Scale (MSAS).13 All items apart from symptoms, medical ...
Our study revealed that nearly half of all home hospice patients experience moderate-to-severe symptoms of anxiety and/or depression in the last week of life. Future research is needed to improve psychological symptom management at the very EOL to improve the quality of life for both patients ...