With the proportion of deaths in hospital predicted to increase,2 it is important to address what the obstacles are to allowing patients at the end of their life, to be cared for, and die at home? MORTALITY STATISTICS End-of-life care has been highlighted as a national priority in the ...
intensive care remains dominant in end-of-life care despite potentially prolonging a painful process of dying and compromising the comfort and dignity of the dying patient [3]. In the same study at the Shanghai cancer center, 221 out of 436 patients (50.7 %) received at least one of ...
Over the last five years, roughly 60% of all deaths in Canada occurred in hospitals—showing a small but consistent decrease each year (Statistics Canada, 2018). Scholars from various disciplines (e.g. medical geography, sociology, and design studies) have long been sceptical of hospitals as ...
Ettinger stressed that supplying statistics is not always helpful because “patients are not statistics” and can do better or worse than the statistics predict. Hamilton agreed. “So much about this cancer subject is personal. The statistics—hundreds of thousands or millions of people are diagno...
The treatment of advanced cancer often involves potentially life-shortening end-of-life decisions (ELDs). This study aimed to examine the prevalence and characteristics of ELDs in different cancer types. A nationwide death certificate study was conducted
Mathieux and Brissaud [95] presented a new method to elaborate end-of-life product-specific material flow analysis, based on data obtained from statistics as well as from expert elicitation. Agbo [96] quantified the available salvage value and service materials potential from imported used vehicles...
to 69 years of age, median survival was ≤4.0 years. In contrast, according to the National Vital Statistics Report for the general US population, the median survival of individuals 65 to 69 years of age is 18.7 years. In this age group, ...
End-of-life care is an essential element of quality cancer care. Nevertheless, a majority of physicians and nurses working at cancer centers feel unprepared for this task. As part of a larger survey study, we investigated what suggestions experienced physicians and nurses have to improve education...
End-of-use and end-of-life medicines waste management has been a challenge for public and private managers in different countries. Reverse logistics is a waste management strategy whose application to public pharmaceutical care processes faces legal restrictions and incertitude. Nevertheless, reverse logi...
Participants were 194 GPs and 74 family carers of patients who died non-suddenly. Additionally, in-depth interviews were conducted with 18 family carers. For the quantitative analyses descriptive statistics, weighted Kappa and multivariate logistic regression analysis was perfo...