This study aims to identify the place of death in adults with malignant brain tumors in Sweden, and the potential associations with official palliative care status by the ICD-10 code Z51.5, sociodemographic factors, health service characteristics, and healthcare service utilization. METHODS. A ...
Teno and coauthors investigated changes in end-of-life care (site of death, place of care, and health care transitions) for people who died in 2000, 2005,
Death among elderly patients in the emergency department: a needs assessment for end-of-life care. Singapore Med J. 2017;58(3):129-133. doi:10.11622/smedj.2016179PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 11. Lunney JR, Lynn J, Hogan C. Profiles of older medicare decedents. J Am...
The need of palliative care at the end-of-life in the emergency departments (ED) is growing. The study aims to investigate the epidemiology of patients who died during care in ED using nationwide database, and to estimate the need for palliative care in
bSample for primary outcome analysis of potentially burdensome end-of-life care. Figure 2. Adjusted Odds Ratios of the SHARING Choices Intervention vs Usual Care View LargeDownload EHR indicates electronic health record. Table 1. Characteristics of Primary Care Practices and Patie...
7063 Background: Treatment and monitoring options for metastatic breast cancer (MBC) are increasing, but little is known about patterns or predictors of their use. Insurance claims are potentially informative, but tracking patient care timelines using episodic claims data has been cumbersome. Methods:...
The article presents research on expert knowledge on care providers' direct experience of pacemaker or implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) deactivation in terminally ill patients. Results of the study indicate the overlooked pacemaker and ICD deactivation in patients will terminal illness, the exce...
A series of EoLC tools have been developed and sequentially implemented in the United Kingdom since late 1990s, including the Gold Standard Framework, Preferred Priorities for Care and the now phased out Liverpool Care Pathway for the Dying Patient [10–12]. The NHS End of Life Care Programme...
This survey study examines the association of family-rated quality of end-of-life care with stopping dialysis treatment and receipt of hospice services
Research on end-of-life care is often fragmented, focusing on one level of healthcare or on a particular patient subgroup. Our aim was to describe the complete care pathways of all cancer decedents in Norway during the last six months of life. We used si