Murray, S. A. (2008). "Care for All at the End of Life." BMJ 336: 958-959Murray SA and Sheikh A. Care for all at the end of life. BMJ 2008; 336: 958-959.Murray SA, Sheikh A. Care for all at the end of life. BMJ 2008; 336:958-9....
End of Life Care for People with Mental Illness Journal of Ethics in Mental HealthWebber, Terry
Advancedirectiveshavebeendeveloped to convey aperson'sdecision,whileheiscognitivelycapable,abouthisfutureend-of-lifecare. 『预设医疗指示』是指人在有认知能力时,预先订立其临终时希望接受的护理形式。 4. "Forthe end-of-lifecarecommunity,thispresentsanewandcomplexsetofproblems,"therepor...
1 1 1 Unit9End-of-lifecare Unit9End-of-lifecare Unit9End-of-lifecare Unit9End-of-lifecare临终关怀 临终关怀 临终关怀 Intothesunset Intothesunset Intothesunset Intothesunset桑榆迟暮 桑榆迟暮 桑榆迟暮 Theideathattheterminallyill Theideathattheterminallyill Theideathattheterminallyill needpain need...
Unit 9 End-of-life care临终关怀 Into the sunset桑榆迟暮 The idea that the terminally ill need pain relief and humane care instead of 'curing' is catching on. But what about the people who just grow old? 1 绝症患者所需要的不是“治疗”,而是减轻痛苦和人道关怀,这一点正逐步得到...
Spirituality and end-of-life care: a time for listening and caring. It should be the obligation of all physicians to respond to, as well as attempt to relieve, all suffering if possible. Therefore, physicians and other caregivers should communicate with their patients about their patients' ...
Question How effective has the National End of Life Care Programme been in its first three years? And given that an increasing proportion of end of life care services will take place in the community, what are the implications for primary care staff? Methods The authors discuss an in-depth ...
Good practice: improving care In these six podcasts, the practitioners discuss approaches and improvements to palliative and end of life care for people using substances. 1. Improving end of life care for the future 2. Keeping track of people's health changes over time 3. Potential approaches ...
"For many patients, hospice is an 'add-on' to a very aggressive pattern of care during the last days of life," Dr. Joan Teno, professor of health services policy and practice at Brown University, said in awritten statement. "I suspect this is not what patients want." ...
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