34 End of Life at homeend-of-life decision makingpain control, adequate pain control - a bellwether for quality care and managementOur mission to deliver high quality, compassionate intensive care during times of increased pressure on the health care dollar dictate that critical care be ...
which it is difficult for a Christian to imagine. We live the life of the senses and the life of the spirit at the same moment, and see no necessary conflict.
at‐homenessfrail/frailtyhome carenursing homeolder peoplepalliative carephenomenological hermeneuticswell‐beingMaintaining the well-being of older people who are approaching the end-of-life has been recognised as a significant aspect of well-being in general. However, there are few studies that have...
* “I think that at the end of my life, I will recover all the force of my childhood. ” Joan Miro/胡安·米罗 1893-1983
At the end of your life, you regret the stuff you didn't do more than the stuff you did. 人到了暮年,比起自己干过的事,会更后悔没有干过的。 Part One(第一部分):音标对照 At the end of your life, you regret the stuff you didn't d...
BJ Miller is a hospice and palliative medicine physician who thinks deeply about how to create a dignified, graceful end of life for his patients. Take the time to savor this moving talk, which asks big questions about how we think on death and honor life. 摘要 在生命的尽头,我们最想要的...
Most guys would not be down with this kind of lifestyle.be down with:接受……Eli和Taylor是开放式婚姻,而且Taylor还把炮友带回家暂住。看到Eli对此没有表现抗拒,Taylor很小确幸地和Eli表示“大多数人无法接受的生活方式你却能接受,我真是幸运”。 26:24 I'm only seeing casual clothes.You'll need at...
Attheendof the day,wecannotalwayscheatdeathbecausedeathwillbe therewaitingforusattheendoflife'sjourney. 等到我们生命的最后,我们终将无法欺骗死亡,因为他会在我们生命旅程的终点等待我们。 www.elanso.com 9. linkedherhand,cametogetherattheendoflife,noregrets!
One of the most important goals of palliative care is achieving a good death. Most Japanese believe that "having some pleasure in daily life" is necessary at the end of life. The aim of this study was to identify, from the perspective of physicians and nurses, a care strategy that ensures...
▽ Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.人生开始于舒适圈的尽头。敢于走出自己的舒适圈,是活出自我的开始。zone 英 [zəun] 美 [zon]释义:n.地区;地带 [数]带;区域 [古]皮带;腰带 vt.分为区域或地带;围绕 vi.如带子似的围绕;形成地区 例句:Volunteers have also gone to the earthquake ...