end evening civil twilight End fly End for end end game end item end leaf end line end man end matter end of evening nautical twilight end of mission end of steel end of the line end of the world end off end on end organ end pin ...
end of evening nautical twilight end of mission end of steel end of the line end of the world end off end on end organ end pin end plate End play end point end product end result end results end run end state End stone end table end up end use end user end zone Endable endaemonis...
End of Empire End of Engagement End of Engineering End Of Enlistment End of Episode End of Eternity End Of Evangelion end of evening nautical twilight end of evening nautical twilight End of Evolution End of Exclusive End of Exercise End of Facsimile Block End of Field Life End of file End ...
end evening civil twilight End fly End for end end game end item end leaf end line end man end matter end of evening nautical twilight end of mission end of steel end of the line end of the world end off end on end organ end pin end plate End play end point end product end result...
Define end points. end points synonyms, end points pronunciation, end points translation, English dictionary definition of end points. or end point n. 1. Either of two points marking the end of a line segment. 2. Chemistry The point in a titration at whi
Define end organs. end organs synonyms, end organs pronunciation, end organs translation, English dictionary definition of end organs. n. The encapsulated termination of a sensory nerve. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edi
Define end run. end run synonyms, end run pronunciation, end run translation, English dictionary definition of end run. n. 1. Football A play in which the ball carrier attempts to run around one end of the defensive line. 2. Informal A maneuver in which
end of evening nautical twilight end of mission end of steel end of the line end of the world end off end on end organ end pin end plate End play end point end product end result end run end state End stone end table end up end use end user end zone Endable ▼ Full browser ? ▲...
end of evening nautical twilight end of mission end of steel end of the line end of the world end off end on end organ end pin end plate End play end point end product end result end rounded filament end run end state End stone end table end up end use end user end zone Endable ...
3) civil twilight 民用昏影终 1. Considering the characteristics of HSPS and referring to the definition of morning/evening twilight and its calculation formula in nautical astronomy, this paper suggests the time duration for night sailing of HSPS be defined as from the beginning of evening civil...