especially for trains, buses, and the broadcasting industry. As a result, theUniform Time Act of 1966was established. While granting US states the ability to opt out of DST, the law provided a framework for a nation-wide, synchronized DST schedule, starting on the last Sunday...
“There was an energy crisis, and one thing proposed to help alleviate its effects was toextend DSTfrom the then-standard six months per year to have permanent DST for two years instead. When it actually happened, a lot of people found all the negatives anddidn’t like it at all.” He...
clean technologies Review End-of-Life Management of Electric Vehicle Lithium-Ion Batteries in the United States Jay N. Meegoda * , Sarvagna Malladi and Isabel C. Zayas Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ 07102, USA * Correspondence: ...
College of Engineering, Shantou University, Shantou 515063, China * Correspondence: Featured Application: This work proposed a novel necking heat pipe with double-end heating, which could be utilized in the heat pipe systems to obtain different thermal performances for complicat...
Det var ikke let at finde det rette kompromis mellem fuldstændighed og enkelhed eller at beslutte, hvilke emner der skulle medtages og hvilke der skulle udelades. Forhåbentlig vil mellemliggende og avancerede læsere tilgive, at vi ikke dykker dybt ned i visse koncepter som...