针对你遇到的LaTeX错误“\begin{figure} on input line 70 ended by \end{document}.”,以下是一些可能的解决步骤和原因分析: 确认\begin{figure}与\end{figure}的配对情况: LaTeX中,每个\begin{figure}环境必须有一个对应的\end{figure}来结束。错误提示表明,编译器在第70行遇到了一个\begin{figure},但在文...
LaTeX-未定义\end{document} 我真死了 latex一直报错Undefined control sequence. \end{document} 开始我以为是换页就报错,还加\newpage,结果除了第一个\newpage其他的\newpage也报错。所有东西在一页内就不报错,超过一页就开始Undefined control sequence. \end{document}。 百度好久找不到相关答案(这个信息检索真...
Use of ...doesn’t match its definition. 如果命令是Latex命令,可能是语法错误,也可能是在某个命令的联动参数中使用了脆弱命令。例如在节命令中插入了脚注命令。这类错误让真正出错的位置变得不那么清晰,在遇到问题时自检、求助于网络。 ! TeX capacity exceeded, sorry... 超出Tex的能力范围,字体加载过多、浮...
By the discussion at the group, it seems that pandoc does not recognize the commands \end{document} or \endinput commands while processing LaTeX input, and keeps on converting source to the target format, instead of ignoring it, as a standard TeX would do. I suggest to add code to tell...
:}} \begin{document} \begin{CJK*}{UTF8}{gkai} %SetUp函数 \begin{algorithm} \caption{AlgoName} \begin{algorithmic}[1] %每行显示行号 \Require Input \Ensure Output \Function {"FuncName"}{} %if \If {" LaTeX 算法排版 {algorithmic} \end{algorithm} 结果截图 注意 1. 关键字的大小写问题...
在Stata中使用estpost/esttab/esttab生成LaTeX表时,不包括documentclass{},begin{document},和end{document}等latex初始化语法。这意味着每个生成的LaTeX代码都需要添加这些代码。 我有许多表要创建。是否有可能通过Stata本身将其包括在内? stata 广告 免费试用DNSPod 邀您试用DNSPod,实现在外也可访问群晖NAS 立即选购 ...
你好,world! \end{document} demo如上,报错为: Undefined control sequence. \setCJKmainfont 再第一行加入 % !TeX program = xelatex 即 % !TeX program = xelatex \documentclass[UTF8]{ctexart} \usepackage{xeCJK} %调用 xeCJK 宏包 \setCJKmainfont{SimSun} %设置 CJK 主字体为 SimSun (宋体) ...
Brief outline of the bug The command \AddToHook causes an error in special circumstances. Minimal example showing the bug \RequirePackage{latexbug} \documentclass{article} \ExplSyntaxOn \NewDocumentCommand{\test}{m}{ \group_begin: \cs_se...
Extra }, or forgotten \endgroup. You can't use `\lastbox' in vertical mode. Extra }, or forgotten \endgroup. LaTeX Error: \begin{document} ended by \end{longtable}. Extra \endgroup. Advertisement Ad Add Comment Please,Sign Into add comment Advertisement Ad...
(macros) do actually contain$characters but with additional code that runs some tests/checks. They also generate LaTeX’s error messageBad math environment delimiter. Using these delimiters (macros) has additional advantages because they can be redefined, perhaps temporarily, to achieve special effects...