The End of Death - Volume One - The Deeper Teachings of a Course in MiraclesTomas Viera
The End of Death - Volume OneThe Deeper Teachings of a Course in MiraclesNouk SanchezCarrie TriffetSanchez, A. (2014). The end of death. Ventura, CA: Gentle Joyous Industries.
In an older TEATD thread, I promised I would take a picture of my hardback copy of Volume I which specifically stated the story will be concluded in Volume II and talk about what a lie that was. I'm traveling at the minute, but when I get back home I will do it. On the contrary...
HH的幸存者(无论是执权柄的人,还是的可怜凡人)都在废墟中捡拾,我们将会在书中详细探讨SoT带来的影响。 《The End and The Death Volume III》将会在本周六接受预订,包括特别版,精装版、电子版和有声版。到时候别睡太死,这将是HH最重要的文学事件 ——从……嗯,第二卷*算起... * 和圣血天使Fan一起思念...
《【中商原版】三体第三部:死神永生 英文原版 精装 THE DEATH’S END 刘慈欣》,作者:【中商原版】三体第三部:死神永生 英文原版 精装 THE DEATH’S END 刘慈欣刘慈欣 著,出版社:Tor Books,ISBN:9780765377104。
1. Introduction Breast cancer (BC) is the main cause of cancer death affecting women worldwide and the second most frequent cancer overall [1]. It is known to be a heterogeneous disease both clinically [2] and molecularly [3]. In the era of personalized medicine, traditional prognostic marke...
aggressiveness of cancer care at the end of life (ACCEoL); autonomy; hospice care; do-not-resuscitate (DNR); terminal cancer1. Introduction Despite rapid advances in medical technology and drug treatment, cancer is the second leading cause of death worldwide, accounting for nearly 10 million ...
We entered the Fourth Dimension on that day and their troubles began on it. What for them is eventual death (Ascension) is no big deal for us. We buckle up, settle back, and feel our insides “explode” in a tsunami of love, which sweeps us all the way to an Ocean of Love. In ...
THE COMPLETE STORIES, VOLUME 1 Isaac Asimov THE COMPLETE STORIES, VOLUME 2 Isaac Asimov Asimov's Choice 1. (1977) 2. (1977) 3. (1978) 4. (1978) 5. (1978) ASTRONAUTS & ANDROIDS George H. Scithers BLACK HOLES & BUG-EYED-MONSTERS George H. Scithers COMETS & COMPUTERS George H. ...