Youdidnotselectanencryptionkeyforanyoftherecipientsofthismessage;therefore,themessagewillnotbeencrypted. 您没有为此信件的任何一个收件人选择加密密钥;因此,无法加密此信件。 5. Ireallylikethisfeature,butafteraddingit to theinstallationtherequesttoentertheencryptionkeyis far from obvious...
Data Encryption Key 数据密钥,(简称为DEK。它将信息进行加密,并作为该信息完整性检查的依据) Public Key Encryption 公开密钥加密采用一对密钥的非对称体制,用公开密钥加密资料,并以相应的私人密钥解密。 public key encryption 【计】 公开钥加密 public key encryption 【计】 公用钥加密 block encryption 块加...
encryption key 英文encryption key 中文【计】 密码键, 密码索引
EncryptionKey在Kerberos协议规范(RFC 4120)的第4.2.9节中定义为: EncryptionKey ::= SEQUENCE { keytype [0] Int32 -- actually encryption type --, keyvalue [1] OCTET STRING } EncryptionKey的关键材料定义为上面的keyValue的值。 从以下版本开始: ...
将“encryption key"翻译成中文 加密密钥, 加密金鑰是“encryption key"到 中文 的最佳翻译。 译文示例:Valid trusted encryption keys were found for all recipients. Encrypt this message? ↔ 找到了所有收件人的有效可信加密密钥 。 加密此信件吗 ?
.auth.kerberos クラスEncryptionKey java.lang.Object すべての実装されたインタフェース: Serializable, Key, SecretKey, Destroyable public final class EncryptionKey extends Object implements SecretKey このクラスは、Kerberosで使用されるEncryptionKeyをカプセル化...
Google Share on Facebook encryption (redirected fromEncryption key) Thesaurus Medical Financial Encyclopedia Related to Encryption key:Public key encryption,Private key encryption en·cryp·tion (ĕn-krĭp′shən) n.Computers 1.The process or result of encrypting data. ...
private static final String encryptionKey = "lakdsljkalkjlksdfkl"; byte[] keyBytes = encryptionKey.getBytes(); SecretKeySpec key = new SecretKeySpec(keyBytes, "AES"); Cipher encryptCipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES"); encryptCipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, key); ...
Managing the encryption keys consists of creating a backup copy of the symmetric key, and knowing when and how to restore, delete, or change the keys. If you migrate a report server installation or configure a scale-out deployment, you must have a backup copy of the symmetric key so...
key-element string 键元串 key-encryption key 密钥加密密钥 keyhole bubble generator 钥孔磁泡产生器 ...|基于4个网页 例句 释义: 全部,密钥加密密钥 更多例句筛选 1. The KDC supplies the ME with single-sign-on credentials in the form of a Key Encryption Key (KEK). 所述KDC...