CodeIgniter 1.x的默认值是MCRYPT \ _MODE \ _ECB,并且假定情况是这样,除非被这个参数覆盖。** $密钥**不适用加密密钥。如上所述,它通常在配置文件中指定。 本文档系腾讯云开发者社区成员共同维护,如有问题请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com最后更新于:2017-12-18...
我有一个使用 Codeigniter 框架编写的 PHP 应用程序。当我试图在 Windows 机器上运行这个应用程序时,出现以下错误: 遇到错误 Encrypt 库需要 Mcrypt 扩展。 这个相同的应用程序在一些具有相同配置的随机 Windows 机器上运行良好。我在 5 台不同的 Windows 10 机器上试过,在 3 台机器上出现了这个错误,在 2 台机...
CodeIgniter 3 has an Encryption class. This was re-architected for CodeIgniter 4, as a service and with handlers. When the dust settled, we ended up with handlers for OpenSSL & Sodium. The Sodium handler, to remain simple & elegant, needed PHP7.2 and CI4 was based on 7.0 or 7.1 at ...
Codeigniter get_csrf_hash() return empty I try exprimentation with Codeigniter Security Class, because i want to implement any good feature on this framework to avoid my site from SQL Injection and Malicious Attack by hackers out there. Ques......
CodeIgniter Forums CodeIgniter 4 CodeIgniter 4 Support Encrypt/Decrypt Confusion - Blank Decrypts Encrypt/Decrypt Confusion - Blank DecryptsSoccerGuy3MemberPosts: 64 Threads: 17 Joined: Jun 2021 Reputation: 0 #1 09-13-2021, 04:10 PM New...
昨天在使用IDEA创建了一个普通Java项目,执行main()方法时,程序报错如下: “错误: 找不到或无法...
Codeigniter get_csrf_hash() return empty I try exprimentation with Codeigniter Security Class, because i want to implement any good feature on this framework to avoid my site from SQL Injection and Malicious Attack by hackers out there. Ques... ...
CodeIgniter Ecommerce Website Development PHP HTML5 PSD to CMS PSD to HTML Responsive Design Laravel WooCommerce JavaScript CSS 3 WordPress jQuery Magento To discuss your project with Encrypt, sign up. We'll connect you two when your project is posted. ...
y060121 commented Jul 6, 2015 @terrafrost How to integrate RSA code in PHP CodeIgniter?Member terrafrost commented Jul 6, 2015 @y060121 - does do what you're want to do?bantu added the question label Jul 21, 2015 terrafrost closed this ...
3、安装完成 如果显示Nginx: OK,MySQL: OK,PHP: OK 并且Nginx、MySQL、PHP都是running,80和3306端口都存在,并提示安装使用的时间及Install lnmp V1.7 completed! enjoy it.的话,说明已经安装成功。 某些系统可能会一直卡在Install lnmp V1.7 completed! enjoy it.不自动退出,可以按Ctrl+c退出。