meet a new friend, bring joy into someone's life, feel the wind newly on my skin, touch a new fear, a new anger, and with focused intent and good fortune, find an ample measure of my own joy.
But just because I am hurt by someone’s words or actions, or didn’t agree with someone, doesn’t mean I should leave and run to another church. God plants us where He wants us. When we feel pressure, we look for a word from God to bring relief. But sometimes God is quiet and ...
When I was married to my first husband and the kids were very small, we lived in a sweet little house that I loved near Seymour Johnson Air Force Base in Goldsboro, NC. The front door was solid and I couldn’t see who was there when someone came over. So I asked him to install a...
The expression “Go for it! is a way of encouraging someone to try something. “Go for it! means you should not worry about failure or be too careful. You should take a chance, be brave, and act firmly. “Go for it! gets name from football. Not footba
” Jesus is God and pours out of God. Think about that for a few minutes. When God spoke the universe into existence, Jesus was that expression, the words that flowed out of his mouth. The Holy Spirit is described as the very breath that God breathed, so that when God breathed life ...
If you do not want to buy new, and are giving a gift to someone in your own home, use a pillowcase you already have. Tie it up with some ribbon and then put it back in the linen closet when you’re finished! In Japan you can learn the art of Furoshiki cloth wrapping. Why not...
Your true success in life begins only when you make the commitment to become excellent at what you do. Brian Tracy Success comes from knowing that you did your best to become the best that you are capable of becoming. John Wooden Leadership is the art of getting someone else to d...