Though they be but little, kids have the power to change the world around them in big ways. They can do it by being brave, being kind, being themselves and being good team players. And words of encouragement for kids are a great way to affirm those behaviors and empower them to do th...
This will be on the 2nd weekend ofMarch from 7th to 9th;Lisa will be teaching some taster classes for the event on the Sundayand will be around the whole weekend and so we’re encouraging everyone to join in too and get themselves booked on. Folks will come from across the UK to att...
Drawing on new, firsthand research and in-depth interviews, Safe Church allows women to voice the pain they have suffered at the hands of insecure leaders who were often unaware of how their words, actions, and attitudes were harming their sisters in Christ. With practical advice on how to ...
In addition to our focus word for the month of January –GLORY– one other word is found in every verse above:NATIONS. God’s heart for all people is woven into the fabric of scripture, from Genesis to Revelation. His call to Abraham and the establishment of his chosen people wasso that...
But the other month we traveled to where one of my best church friends now lives with her own family. We got together for lunch and it was like no time had passed at all. Deep down we still had those same priorities in common and we knew that no matter what, we would always be ...
The “Word” in the Greek means “the expression, the utterance that flowed out of God’s mouth.” Jesus is God and pours out of God. Think about that for a few minutes. When God spoke the universe into existence, Jesus was that expression, the words that flowed out of his mouth. ...
What words come to mind when you think about Earth? Beautiful, luscious…our home. Yet, there are only some places on our planet that look like what I have just described. If you want to make every place in the world look like this, then Earth Day is for you! On April 22, people...
I welcome you to read the book. Thank you in advance for your interest and in reading this book that will enrich your soul and open your mind. Sincerely, Rev. Frieda How exciting, I am in the process of editing my second book, titled: “Words of Inspiration Open to theGift of Uplift...
I guess that feeling of isolation or ostracization is one thing I wish the Left would understand: We have been living under your paradigm for 49 years.You seemed to put that court decision in your pocket and march forward as if the deal were done, as if there were nothing more to disc...