Today, you may not feel too thankful “for” the circumstances you find yourself in, but you can be thankful that your Heavenly Father will be with you “in” it every step of the journey. So, no matter what comes your way today, “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his lo...
Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ…Phil 3:8 When Paul explained his Value System, he said compared to Knowing...
Words that lie dormant eleven months out of the year come alive at Christmas time. Jingle Bells. Rudolph. Good tidings. Noel. The Manger. Words so beautiful and strange, yet they create beautiful poetry on our hearts. Sugarplums dancing in dreams. Mulling spices on the stove. Decorations we...
Words that lie dormant eleven months out of the year come alive at Christmas time. Jingle Bells. Rudolph. Good tidings. Noel. The Manger. Words so beautiful and strange, yet they create beautiful poetry on our hearts. Sugarplums dancing in dreams. Mulling spices on the stove. Decorations we...
Again, such mutations that are based on a loss of original functionality are very easy to achieve in short order, but will eventually add up to result in genomic meltdown and eventual extinction of a species. They simply aren’t helpful over the long haul because there are only so many ...
This stranger also expressed her condolences over the death of my wife Jeanne. She had read about my wife’s journey with cancer and offered some kind words. She felt she knew her because of the number of stories in the book about Jeanne’s life and our family. ...
let’s spread more encouragement and positivity in the world. Keep moving forward, stay hopeful, and never underestimate the power of a few uplifting words to change your day – and your life – for the better. If you’d like to explore more of my work, you can find any of my 8 boo...
For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. A practical flow of the passage has opened up to me, a way of looking at it I ca...
It requires discovery of the problem, recognition that a drastic move is needed, surrender to the process, and then healing and recovery from the changes and maybe even loss that come with surrender. The process of dying to self is not easy, and can be painful and even scary. Pulling ...
“…A sudden loss of smell, known as anosmia or hyposmia, could be a symptom of the coronavirus, even if patients experience no other symptoms, according to leading Rhinologists in the UK. Evidence from South Korea, China and Italy suggests that many patients with COVID-19 may have experie...