We heal our neighbor, our loved ones and friends and raise them up through acts of kindness and our prayers for them to prosper in every way. We heal and uplift ourselves when we know we are not on Earth by accident but by the miracle of birth. I believe the statement ‘We are here...
I am fortunate to have (and hopefully provide) this kind of sister-in Christ relationship with a few good friends. In our culture today though I find that this intention needs to be declared outright. It is too easy to let our behavior be governed by socially acceptable practices than by ...
I’m sad for those who are sick.For those who sweat and shake, who watch their temperatures rise. For those who struggle to breathe. I’m sad for those who have lost jobs.For those who can’t pay the rent. For those who struggle to feed their families. For those whose prospects hav...
Except in rare circles, the writings of what could be called the Hadleigh Fathers, named after the vicarage in which Newman, Pusey and friends began to gather ten years before, had as yet gained little traction when the three young me set off for what we now call Wisconsin. After a coup...
build an army to challenge Rome. But as Simon waits for the army to form, he watches Jesus show a compassion for others Simon has never seen before. The miracles Jesus performs—healing the sick, feeding crowds of thousands—show not a display of military might, but of service and love....
An image of a Chinese man collapsed in a Seoul subway station, apparently too sick to stand, has been held up by many Koreans as proof of just how great a threat the Wuhan coronavirus is. The picture of the man and two women trying to help him was shared in a post on an online ...
This is why the writer of the Book of Hebrews urges us to look to Jesus Christ and keep on trusting.“Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the...
Pass the word along to your family and friends. Please share this with others in your social media circles.With your help, “Precinct Prayer”, together with all prayers, will be the most powerful force present on Election Day. Posted inUncategorized ...
Hugs and prayers to you, Angela “Fight the good fight of the Faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.” 1 Tim. 6:4 Like Lori Santmyer