New Message: “*Components of Success.”“Be Compassionate; “Be honest; “Be fair; “Be consistent; “Be the Best.” Some will say this is hard to live by. We have the potential and power to initiate successful practices without delay. We will feel better and have consistent success, A...
Do you remember the message from Luke’s gospel? To proclaim repentance for the forgiveness of sins in His name. With their first-hand knowledge of Christ’s death, burial and resurrection, they are now able to shed light on this message of repentance. That Jesus paid the debt for our si...
but he was faithful and headstrong. Though he could rush to judgment and use a foul word from time to time, he was the kind of friend who loved fiercely and was doggedly loyal—until he wasn’t. Although he failed, Simon
With May being Mental Health Awareness Month, the ___ that Wolff has received from sign owners are ___. One message from Frank ___: “I just had a woman knock at my door. She began to cry and ___ me for the signs in my yard. Her son had tried to kill himself and these sign...
Even though there is a mistake in the first word, the entire message comes through—you are ten million dollars richer! And if you received another letter the next day that read like this, you would be even more sure: “Y#U HAVE WON $10 MILLION.” ...
During the trials and turmoils of life, God’s truth IS the silver lining, and our comfort comes from knowing that He is always in control! The Silver Lining contains: articles, blog posts, and butterfly blips. These vary in topic and length, by category
I wish I would have stopped to value more and appreciate what is now, and I can pinpoint when that shifted for me – when I lost my Mom to cancer. It changed my whole perspective on time and living in the moment. I hate it took that for me to accept that message and receive it...
But when you are invited, go and sit down at the lowest place, so that when your host comes, he may say to you, `Friend, move up higher’; then you will be honored in the presence of all who sit at the table with you. For all who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those ...
Frozen casseroles/muffins/breads also give me the option of providing others with meals if I find out of a need – a sick friend, a new mama, or a hurting friend. 11. I use credit for Azure Standard purchases. This is only worth a tiny mention as it doesn’t affect our budget ...
Here the message here is we need to stop lionizing degrees and encourage and support people to just do things. Ian @Barkham January 4, 2020 It is rare for someone to do well at University and be bright at the same time. It is probably at the same ratio as the general population. ...