We have create a series ofbible verse printablesfor each member of the family. If you are looking for words of encouragement from the bible, download these 20 bible verses bundles. Print, cut, laminate and display encouraging bible verses for mom, dad, kids and teachers on the bathroom mirro...
It might be tempting to judge a young mom for bringing her children into the grocery story instead of keeping them safe at home, when the truth is she’s a single mom with no one to help her, and she can’t very well leave them in the car. It might be tempting to judge someone ...
To My Precious Daughter, Holly for Her 16th Birthday byBeth Grider Bible Study ToolsStudy the Bible Bible Verse Mapping Made Simple byBeth Grider Bible Study ToolsEncouraging FaithStudy the Bible Keys to Reliable Bible Interpretation byBeth Grider ...
before I’m a wife, before I’m a mom, before I’m a church leader, a business owner, a teacher, whatever role or responsibility I have, whatever relationship I’m in, first I am his daughter.And to not just say that, buthow does that perspective change my outlook on my current ...
“As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” This verse was extremely important to my husband and I as we prepared for our wedding 16 years ago. About to marry a single mom with two daughters my husband was getting a ready-made family. That, and the fact that I was a new...
First, we need toshed the darkness. The Bible prompts us to put aside all that weighs us down, to not lean on our own understanding, to recognize sin for what is is, to flee from it. Second, our decision should be tocome to the light. You see, this light it’s a Person, not ...
Some of the most poetic, comforting words in the Bible can be found in the Book of Psalms and the most familiar is Psalm 23. The image of a gentle shepherd, green pastures, still waters, we yearn for such peace and reassurance. If you are looking to be inspired, it doesn’t get any...
“…Here I’ll briefly mention four pandemics in history and how the church has responded in the way of Christ. As we note their examples, let’s be inspired by their faith—even if we might make some adjustments for our own time and circumstances. Their impulse to move toward the needy...
There’s no handbook for this parenting stuff.However! I do my best and I’ve come to a point where I realized that my choices as a parent were all made out of love for my girls. One constant I’ve told my girls and still do is this: My mom was a better mom than my Mamaw,...
“Don’t leave it to someone else to do the loving for you.” I agree with all of these statements, and I understand them to be true, both in what I know and by what I have experienced. But I would not have been able to agree in the same way many years ago. In a Bible study...