MomLife Today is a blog community of Christian moms sharing their lives to glorify God, learn His truths, and train our kids in His ways.
“Lord, just let this conference minister to my soul. I need it as a mom, as a wife, as a Christian woman.” Boy did that prayer get answered. In addition to meeting new friends likeSara, and connecting with fellow 5 Minutes for Mom contributorKelliandDeband being reunited with my old...
encouragement & camaraderie for Christian mamas in the Pacific Northwest conference 2024 Living & active Get details! About Conference details other events ~~~ REGISTRATION FORLIVING & ACTIVEIS NOW CLOSED. See you in 2025 for the eighth annual conference on 11/8/25!
“Where’s Daddy?” Every morning, when my daughter wakes up, she asks for her Daddy. I watch her walk from room to room searching for him. As her sleepy eyes fully wake up and she sees her Daddy, she becomes more settled. In her three year old mind, all is right in her world ...
Inspiring Moms to love home again. Let's make home a verb! If you are a mom and you have a home - you belong here and can find tips, tricks, help and grace on these pages. Be encouraged Mom, you can do this! #momwin
Building Up Moms wants to encourage Christian mothers to remember that motherhood is as viable an assignment from the Lord as any other. Get tips and resources here.
Building Up Moms wants to encourage Christian mothers to remember that motherhood is as viable an assignment from the Lord as any other. Get tips and resources here.
Being Thankful For Moms I am so thankful to have a mother who loves God with all of her heart. Her example has helped guide me to a strong faith in Christ. “Only God Himself fully appreciates the influence of a Christian mother in the molding of character in her children” – Billy ...
Dennis: Yeah. You guys are a great model of that, and there’s one last thing I want to ask you to do, but first I want to thank you both for being on FamilyLife Today and thank you for your ministry of hope and encouragement to the entire body of Christ, and I pray that coupl...
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