总结:解决“Encountered errors while bringing up the project”报错的方法包括检查Docker Compose的状态、关闭正在运行的容器、清理Docker缓存、检查项目配置文件、检查Docker版本和镜像、查看Docker日志以及尝试重新构建项目。根据实际情况,按照上述方法逐一排查问题,并执行相应的解决方案,最终找到问题的根源并解决它。相关文章...
ERROR: for doris-fe Container “9333bc7e3301” is unhealthy. ERROR: Encountered errors while bringing up the project. DataEase 服务状态 : 正在启动 解决方案 当这种报错时,dectl reload、dectl restart 都不生效,那么出现错误的原因是什么呢? 错误出现的原因是,之前启动的 docker-compose 没有关闭。 此时...
ERROR: Encountered errors while bringing up the project. DataEase 服务状态 : 正在启动 解决方案: 当这种报错时,dectl reload、dectl restart 都不生效,那么出现错误的原因是什么呢? 错误出现的原因是,之前启动的 docker-compose 没有关闭。 此时只需要进行 docker-compose 的关闭和启动即可,命令如下: # 关闭 ...
简介: ERROR: Encountered errors while bringing up the project.原因是之前启动的 docker-compose 没有关闭 解决 # 把之前的 docker-compose 关闭 docker-compose down # 停止并删除所有相关容器 # 再执行 docker-compose up讓丄帝愛伱 +关注 1624文章 0 0 0 0 评论 登录后可评论...
ERROR: Encountered errors while bringing up the project. # docker-compose --version docker-compose version 1.9.0, build 2585387 # docker --version Docker version 1.12.3, build 9858ec7 # cat /etc/redhat-release Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.3 (Maipo) ...
Apparently using docker compose python API hides essential error information from the (api) a user, making close to impossible to debug. Usually user endsup with: File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/compose/project.py", line 559, in up 'Encountered errors while bringing up the project.'...
When opening or downloading (get) an Inventor assembly, presentation or drawing from Vault following warning message might occur: Get/Checkout Errors Unable to update file references. An unknown error was encountered while updating file references. Other
404 Error Occurs at End of Simple Next.js Setup, On-demand Entries in NextJS Lead to 404 Errors, Index.js not found and 'cannot find module' error encountered when attempting to run Next Start, Use of next/router restricted to client side of app: Router
Anerroroccurredwhileretrieving GDI features: gdi-error[40201]: Can't access configuration database可以通过重装IAR debugger-support-files这个,解决问题。 Mr..L2018-09-28 17:18:51 FATALERROR:Vivado模拟器无法恢复 你好, 我正进入(状态FATAL_ERROR:Vivado模拟器内核发现了一个无法恢复的异常情况。进程将终止...
Install the update: Downloadkb401652.zip. Unzip kb401652.zip. Move MpjSingleSource.dll from the location you extracted it to, to the [Path to the RoboHelp 6 application]\RoboHelp 6.0\RoboHTML folder. You should now be able to generate your project without the above errors. ...