iOS unknown: Encountered an unknown error (The 'Pods-App' target has transitive dependencies that include statically linked binaries 解决:加--use-libraries pod lib lint --use-libraries podspec文件中依赖了静态库造成的验证不通过,想要验证通过可以通过添加参数--use-libraries让验证通过,这样操作并不影响po...
解决方案就是去xcode设置里面,将Command line Tools设置一下,在Xcode>preferences>Locations里面,设置之后再运行终端即可 但是 操作失败! 选择框下面的提示: Command line tools like 'xcodebuild will use this version of the tools. Change this setting above or use 'xcode-select...
简介:Encountered an unknown error (Could not find a `ios` simulator (valid values: ) 通过pod spec lint 检查命令报这个错误。 原因是:我的电脑是128G的,硬盘不足,我把/Users/jiaguoshang/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices文件夹下的所有模拟器文件都给宰了(当然你把/Users/jiaguoshang/Library/Develope...
检测私有库报错 [iOS] unknown: Encountered an unknown error (Unable to find a specification for `xx` dep... 问题描述 项目模块化时,我们制作的私有库免不了依赖其他私有库和CocoaPods的公有库。在产品更新迭代制作新版本的私有库后,准备提交私有库前的验证环境如果没有给验证私有库的命令知道地址一般都会报...
【已解决】Encountered an unknown error (Unable to find a specification for `xxxx` depended upon by `xxxx` 问题描述 我们模块化的时候制作自己私有库免不了要依赖其他的私有库,我们通常在验证或者编写的时候就需要使用podfile文件添加我们私有库的source源。
/t5/acrobat-discussions/adobe-acrobat-dc-has-encountered-an-unknown-error/td-p/8995354 May 01, 2017 May 01, 2017 Copy link to clipboard Copied Receive this error when trying to Edit PDF's. Adobe Acrobat DC Pro is set as default. Using Windows 10 and 7, same error. Have ran updates an...
- ERROR | [iOS] unknown: Encountered an unknown error (No space left on device - write) during validation. [!] The spec did not pass validation, due to 1 error. Can you help me on this on high priority what might be cause for this?
ERROR|[iOS]unknown:Encountered an unknownerror(Could not find a`ios`simulator(valid,,, that Xcode->Wi...
ERROR | [iOS] unknown: Encountered an unknown error HarmonyOS后端开发 ERROR | [iOS] unknown: Encountered an unknown error 找到最有用的这篇文章就是在这里 使用环境 Xcode 8.0 正式版 cocoapods 1.0.1 。。。 解决方案
Lint my podspec file to make sure it's all good. What happened instead? I got the following error which provides no hint as to what is going wrong: ERROR | [iOS] unknown: Encountered an unknown error (Unsupported file type: ) during validation. ...