Men ≥18 years old disclosing MSM behavior in the past year were analyzed (n=500); OraQuick and Western Blot confirmation were used to assess HIV status. Multivariable methods were used for data analyses by type of sex at last encounter. A total of 71.8% of MSM had anal sex and 28.2%...
from abortion; post-abortion counselling, education and family planning; voluntary HIV counselling and testing and antiretroviral treatment; prevention and treatment of sexually transmitted infections; information and counselling on sexual and reproductive health; and gender-based violence screening and ...
Twelve community health workers were trained to test for communicable and non-communicable diseases and screen for TPT eligibility. They visited a select number of homes monthly to conduct screening for HIV, TB and non-communicable diseases. We recorded screening results, rates of referral for TPT,...
HHS reported last year that this free coverage includes cancer screenings and vaccinations. These consumer representatives examined information from 6 plans in 6 states about coverage of smoking cessation, HIV prevention medication, colorectal cancer screening, and pos...
Healthcare-associated SARS-CoV-2 transmission in a neonatal unit: the importance of universal masking, hand hygiene and symptom screening in containment Following exposure to a health care worker with an influenza-like illness, two preterm neonates and six staff members developed symptoms and tested ...
Dignan, M., Michielutte, R., Blinson, K., Wells, H., Case, L., Sharp, P., et al. (1996). Effectiveness of health education to increase screening for cervical cancer among eastern-band Cherokee Indian women in North Carolina.JNCI Cancer Spectrum,88(22), 1670. ...