MEDICAL microbiologyURTICARIAThis article, titled "An Unexpected Encounter During a Screening Colonoscopy in a Medical Tourist: A Diagnosis of Hymenolepis nana Infection," describes a case of Hymenolepis nana infection in a 55-year-old man from Kazakhstan who visited a health screenin...
This article, titled "An Unexpected Encounter During a Screening Colonoscopy in a Medical Tourist: A Diagnosis of Hymenolepis nana Infection," describes a case of Hymenolepis nana infection in a 55-year-old man from Kazakhstan who visited a health screening clinic in Korea. The man did not ...
I has Lymes. No really, I do. I’m not even kidding. I believe in humor. After a decade of living with Lyme, I find it all to be so absurd and so crazy, that the best way for me to deal with it anymore is to make fun of it, at myself, the people I encou