Windows 10版本 1703、Windows 10、版本 1607、Windows 10、版本 1511、Windows 10、版本 1507、Windows 8.1、Windows 8、Windows 7、Windows Vista 复制 propertyDescription name = System.Media.EncodingSettings shellPKey = PKEY_Media_EncodingSettings formatID = 64440492-4C8B-11D1-8B70-080036B11A03 propID...
input settings output settings language strings video image transitions device conformance template parameters system profiles localized system profiles sample extension types guid values error codes source plug-ins windows media audio and video codec interfaces ...
When you tried to change settings in your adobe acrobat preferences, did you unchecked "use local fonts" option? Also, I believe it is possible to update the fonts library in both windows and from witihin the MS Office applications. Aside from the upgrade to Windows 10 from Win7, did ...
Device family Windows 10 (introduced in 10.0.10240.0) API contract Windows.Foundation.UniversalApiContract (introduced in v1.0) Remarks Properties that are manually set are ignored for VideoEncodingProperties created from one of the presets encoding profiles: CreateH264 and CreateMpeg2. The encoding...
获取或设置自定义视频编码比特率。 注意 此 API 并非适用于所有 Windows 应用。 除非你的开发人员帐户由 Microsoft 专门预配,否则对这些 API 的调用将在运行时失败。
Device family Windows 10 (introduced in 10.0.10240.0) API contract Windows.Foundation.UniversalApiContract (introduced in v1.0) RemarksThe encoding quality Auto is a special preset that fills in the proper settings based on the current camera settings. Settings that are manually modified are ignored...
获取自定义视频编码宽度。 注意 此 API 并非适用于所有 Windows 应用。 除非你的开发人员帐户由 Microsoft 专门预配,否则对这些 API 的调用将在运行时失败。
I exported a small video today with my usual settings that worked perfectly fine. This usually happens when I export really long videos like 40 minutes or videos where I have a lot of clips from previous streams. I have a NVIDIA that is updated. I do not export in 4K. If thi...
Forum:Windows Support D Encoding randomly overloads and lags while recording Hello, I am using the following settings: Base Res: 1920x1080 Output Res: 1152x648 Downscale Filter: Bicubic FPS: 60 Encoder: H264/AVC Preset: Indistinguishable Recording Quality Preset: Quality Keyframe Interval: 2.00...
Hello, I seem to be experiencing a strange glitch in my file after screen recording using OBS. This did not happen the first few times I recorded my screen but it is happening now, even though my settings have always been the exact same. To clarify what I mean with glitch, here is a...