The most popular fix in solving ‘Encoding Overloaded’ error is changing the priority of the OBS process from your task manager. Your processor works on the principle of priorities; processes with high priorities will be processed first as compared to other processes. In the case of OBS, the ...
Hey everyone, I don't know if it was a recent OBS update or something, but when streaming, I get Encoding Overloaded in the bottom left of OBS and my...
A lot of streamers like to save a local copy of the video they stream out in order to edit it later, upload it to YouTube, or just keep an archive. Usually, this means saving the video as an MP4 in your Broadcast settings. However, we know that OBS is beta software, and streaming...
Whenever I hit start stream nowadays, OBS always pop up a "Encoding overload, please use a faster preset or turing down video settings." and when I check my streams it just lags frame by frame. There's almost always a huge stream delay because of this. My settings: Service: Twitch...
I am kind of a scrub with computers. Can you tell me what I need to upgrade to stop getting the "Encoding Overload" ?
Have a bit of a weird situation going on here, and maybe this makes sense, but I'm just trying to setup my streaming and recording settings and getting some...
I got a pretty decent build, but recently, I am getting lower FPS while recording game in ultra graphics. I play them at solid 60 fps, the OBS viewer shows...
having major issue for some reason tonight with high encoding.. i have not done anything different to pc...