```matlab function decoded_data = decoder(encoded_data) %经向解码 decoded_data = ''; for i = 1:2:length(encoded_data) current_bits = encoded_data(i:i+1); if current_bits == '00' decoded_data = strcat(decoded_data, '0'); else decoded_data = strcat(decoded_data, '1'); end...
NIKHIL S KUMAR (2025).JPEG encoder + decoder(https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/24609-jpeg-encoder-decoder), MATLAB Central File Exchange. RetrievedJanuary 23, 2025. MATLAB Release Compatibility Created with R14SP1 Compatible with any release ...
x): encoded = self.encoder(x) decoded = self.decoder(encoded) return decoded auto...
MessageLength=K); rsDecoder = comm.RSDecoder( ... BitInput=true, ... CodewordLength=N, ... MessageLength=K); Set the range of Eb/N0 values and account for RS coding gain. Initialize the error statistics matrix. Get ebnoVec = (3:0.5:8)'; ebnoVecCodingGain = ... ebnoVec + 10...
JSONLab is an open-source JSON/UBJSON/MessagePack encoder and decoder written completely in the native MATLAB language. It can be used to convert most MATLAB data structures (array, struct, cell, struct array, cell array, and objects) into JSON/UBJSON/MessagePa...
with Matlab indicates that the convolutional code is powerful in correcting errors,and BER is increasingly reduced when the constraint length of the convolutional code become large,that the convolutional decoder is small in designed output delay,occupies fewer resources,and is of certain practical value...
autoenc = trainAutoencoder(X,4, 'MaxEpochs' ,400, 'DecoderTransferFunction' , 'purelin' ); 使用经过训练的自动编码器重建鲍鱼壳环数据。 XReconstructed = predict(autoenc,X); 计算均方重建误差。 mseError = mse(X-XReconstructed) 使用稀疏自动编码器重建观察结果 ...
注意,MATLAB的版本最好是2019a/b及以上。 对比结果就不贴图了,本来这篇水文是不能写出来的,在不涉密的情况下,我只能这么水水的描述一下,以飨读者。 在整个Polar Encoder/Decoder IP核的开发应用中,需要注意以下几点: (1)确定参数配置方式,最好采用可编程方式配置; ...
JSONLab is an open-source JSON/UBJSON/MessagePack encoder and decoder written completely in the native MATLAB language. It can be used to convert most MATLAB data structures (array, struct, cell, struct array, cell array, and objects) into JSON/UBJSON/MessagePack formatted strings and files, ...
maxwell simplorer simulink 永磁同步电机矢量控制联合仿真,电机为分数槽绕组,使用pi控制SVPWM调制,修改文件路径后可使用,软件版本matlab 2017b, Maxwell electronics 2021b 共包含两个文件, Maxwell和Simplorer联合仿真文件,以及Maxwell Simplorer simulink 三者联合仿真文件。