2021年华中农业大学李国亮教授和李兴旺教授带领的团队在Molecular Plant发表了题为“RiceENCODE:A comprehensive epigenomic database as a rice Encyclopedia of DNA Elements”的研究论文(Xie et al., 2021)。研究者们建立了一个水稻多元表观基因组数据的数据库RiceENCODE(http:/http://glab.hzau.edu.cn/RiceENCODE...
2021年华中农业大学李国亮教授和李兴旺教授带领的团队在Molecular Plant发表了题为“RiceENCODE:A comprehensive epigenomic database as a rice Encyclopedia of DNA Elements”的研究论文(Xie et al., 2021)。研究者们建立了一个水稻多元表观基因组数据的数据库RiceENCODE(http:/glab.hzau.edu.cn/RiceENCODE/),...
原文检索: Nature 447, 799-816 (14 June 2007) | doi:10.1038/nature05874; Received 2 March 2007; Accepted 23 April 2007 Identification and analysis of functional elements in 1% of the human genome by the ENCODE pilot project [Abstract] Genome Res. 17:760-774, 2007 Analyses of deep ...
Xie L, Liu M, Zhao L, et al. 2021. RiceENCODE: A comprehensive epigenomic database as a rice Encyclopedia of DNA Elements. Mol Plant 14:1604-1606.
Metadata database for ENCODE project JavaScript111MIT51455UpdatedNov 18, 2024 regulome-encodedPublic Temp repo for regulome development JavaScript1MIT4216UpdatedNov 15, 2024 checkfilesPublic Files are checked to see if the MD5 sum (both for gzipped and ungzipped) is identical to the submitted meta...
The ENCODE project generates data utilizing a variety of techniques that can enrich for regulatory regions, such as chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP), micrococcal nuclease (MNase) digestion and DNase I digestion, followed by deeply sequencing the resulting DNA. As part of the ENCODE project, we ...
ENCODE主页https://www.encodeproject.org/ modENCODE计划主页http://www.modencode.org/ nature相关主题资源http://www.nature.com/nature/focus/encode/index.html ENCODE and modENCODE Data Listingshttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/projects/geo/info/ENCODE.html ...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook Thesaurus Medical Acronyms Encyclopedia Wikipedia en·code (ĕn-kōd′) v.en·cod·ed,en·cod·ing,en·codes v.tr. 1.To convert (a message or other information) into code. 2.To format (electronic data) according to a standard format. ...
If using Swift Package Manager, the project's Package.resolved No response If using CocoaPods, the project's Podfile.lock No response google-oss-bot rizafran It does encode. It encodes to a format that can be consumed by the realtime database, functions and firestore. Encoding does not imp...
We developed a novel statistical method, ChromNet, to infer a network of these interactions, the chromatin network, by inferring conditional-dependence relationships among a large number of ChIP-seq data sets. We applied ChromNet to all available 1451 ChIP-seq data sets from the ENCODE Project,...