CALayer 构造函数 属性 方法 ActionForKey AddAnimation AddSublayer AnimationForKey Clone 包含 ConvertPointFromLayer ConvertPointToLayer ConvertRectFromLayer ConvertRectToLayer ConvertTimeFromLayer ConvertTimeToLayer 创建 DefaultActionForKey DefaultValue 显示 DisplayIfNeeded Dispose DrawInContext EncodeTo GetConten...
AVVideoCompositionLayerInstruction 建構函式 屬性 方法 複製 EncodeTo GetCrop GetOpacityRamp GetTransformRamp MutableCopy AVVideoCompositionRenderCoNtext AVVideoCompositionValidationHandling AVVideoCompositionValidationHandling_Extensions AVVideoFieldMode AVVideoH264EntropyMode AVVideoPixelAspectRatioSettings AVVideoPr...
Tracking the source of mPFC light-sensitivity Since the cortical layer of a neuron would suggest anatomical and functional attributes, we calculated for each neuron a probability of being located in a specific cortical layer. The probability of neurons’ correct assignment to layer 1 was often below...
kram is a wrapper to several popular encoders. Most encoders have sources, and have been optimized to use very little memory and generate high quality encodings at all settings. All kram encoders are currently CPU-based. Some of these encoders use SSE, and a SSE to Neon layer translates ...
subband_quantization (Layer II)PURPOSE:Quantizes subband samples to appropriate number of bitsSEMANTICS: Subband samples are divided by their scalefactors, which makes the quantization more efficient. The scaled samples are quantized by the function a*x+b, where a and b are functions of ...
a Cell-type specific network using K562 and GM12878: top layer TFs significantly drive tumor-normal differential expression; bottom layer TFs are more often associated with burdened binding sites. b JUND is a top edge-gainer in CML, and its targets demonstrate increased gene expression. However,...
D3D12DDI_VIDEO_ENCODER_ENCODE_OPERATION_METADATA_BUFFER_0080_2結構,其中包含編碼器針對輸出的硬體特定配置所傳回的元數據。 此數據必須使用PFND3D12DDI_VIDEO_ENCODE_RESOLVE_OUTPUT_METADATA_0082_0解析為可讀取的格式。 備註 檢查編碼作業所用輸出資源的對齊需求。
@metamask/sdk-communication-layer metamaskbot •0.31.0•a day ago•3dependentspublished version0.31.0,a day ago3dependents 784,313 jsoncrush Compress JSON in URL friendly strings JSON URL URI compression killedbyapixel •1.1.8•2 years ago•3dependents•MITpublished version1.1.8,2 ...
[1]IEEE®Std 802.11™-2020 (Revision of IEEE Std 802.11-2016). "Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications."IEEE Standard for Information technology — Telecommunications and information exchange between systems. Local and metropolitan area networks...
Recent studies in neuroscience reveal that memory storage and recall are closely related to the activities in discrete memory engram (trace) neurons within the dentate gyrus region of hippocampus and the layer 2/3 of neocortex. More strikingly, optogenetic reactivation of those memory trace neurons ...