}else{ local labelOption label(`label')}*Run the encode command. encode `varlist'`if'`in', generate(`generate') `labelOption'`noextend'quietly compress `generate'*If replacing the original variable, do so.if"`replace'"=="replace"{ move `generate'`varlist'nobreak { drop `varlist'rename...
I can work around this question manually, but encode works in ascending alphabetical order...is there a way to encode in descending alphabetical order? This is because I want descending order using the by_option of my graph command.
--- Original Message ---From: "moleps islon" <moleps2@gmail.com> To: <statalist@hsphsun2.harvard.edu> Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2008 9:28 PM Subject: Re: st: Re: -encode- help.. So apparently no easy solution to this. The perfect solution would be a command that accepted ...
2013 15:29, Pedro Nakashima <nakashimapedrolist@gmail.com> wrote: > Dear users, > > I'm looking for a way to transform a string variable (in the example > below, strvar) in float variable, with the same value labels as the > former string variable, as does the command -sencode-....
values appear in output from the tabulate command. The output string variable may replace the input numeric variable or be generated as a new variable. Author: Roger Newson Distribution-Date: 10february2003 Stata-Version: 7 INSTALLATION FILES (click here to install) ...
Thanks once again to Kit Baum, new versions of the -sencode- and-sdecode- packages are now available for download from SSC. In Stata,use the -ssc- command to do this, or -adoupdate- if you alreaady haveold versions of these packages. ...