名词解释:enclosure movement Enclosure movement是指英国在18世纪中期到19世纪中期期间发生的一场社会经济变革,也被称为“围圈运动”或“围圈化运动”。 在这个时期,大量的公共土地被私人占有,农民失去了他们的公有土地,被迫进入私有农场。这导致了许多农民失去了他们的土地,被迫成为佃农或工人。同时,许多小农场也因为...
名词解释enclosure movement -回复 "Enclosure Movement"是指英国历史上的一场社会经济变革,大约发生在15世纪末至19世纪中叶。这场运动主要是将原本公共或共享的土地(如公用地)转变为私有财产,进行围栏或者圈占,变为私人农场或牧场。 在enclosure movement过程中,大量的农田、草地和森林被富有的地主和农民圈占,使得原来...
enclosure movement基本解释 (英国历史上的)圈地运动 分词解释 enclosure圈占 movement运动 猜你喜欢 far east movement远东帮 open access movement开放获取运动 axial movement轴向移动 backward movement反向运动 bowel movement解大便 circular movement圆周运动 crustal movement地壳运动 cursor movement光标移动 downward ...
enclosure movement 圈地运动汉英翻译 enclosure围场; 圈地; (信)附件; 词组短语 第二次圈地运动second enclosure movement 终结圈地运动West New Bservation 早期圈地运动The Earlier Enclosure 双语例句 1. The Enclosure Movement brought a lot of negative effects to people´s lives. ...
如英国的圈地运动(enclosure movement)将分散的土地合并。这在当时固然严重损及小农利益,造成贫富差异加大,引起大 …blog.nownews.com|基于195个网页 2. 占地运动 enclosure是什么意思... ... enclosure method 封闭方法 enclosure movement 占地运动 enclosure of oil (石油) 圈闭油 ... www.hujiang.com|基于5个...
movement n. 1.[C,U](身体部位的)运动,转动,活动 2.[C,U]移动;迁移;转移;活动 3.[C,U](具有共同思想或目标的)运动 4.[复数](尤指受监视者的)活动;行踪 5.[单数 in movement 横向进给运动,横向进磨运动 self movement 独立运动 after movement 后继性运动 movement cure 【医】 运动疗法 最新...
(redirected from Enclosure movement)Also found in: Thesaurus, Legal, Encyclopedia. en·clo·sure (ĕn-klō′zhər) n. 1. a. The act of enclosing. b. The state of being enclosed. 2. Something enclosed: a business letter with a supplemental enclosure. 3. Something that encloses. ...
9 RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook (redirected fromEnclosure movement) Also found in:Dictionary,Thesaurus,Legal. What does it mean when you dream about an enclosure? If we dream about being inside an enclosure, it often represents our psychologica...
the criticisms of the enclosure movement, the poem depicts a world of The second enclosure movement and the construction of the public domain One disquieting aspect of the book is the notion that there was some kind of `Golden Era' in the world prior to the rise of capitalism, in which co...
题目Tell briefly what is "Enclosure Movement" in Britain(60~100words). 要求60~100words,don't exceed the limit. 圈地运动 百科名片 在14、15世纪,在农奴制解体过程中,英国新兴的资产阶级和新贵族通过暴力把农民从土地上赶走,强占农民份地及公有地,剥夺农民的土地使用权和所有权,限制或取消原有的共同耕地...