Color Blind Test Get Ready To Take The Test Turn up your brightness to 100%. Be sure to turn off any blue light filter. Please note you will have 7 seconds to respond to each test plate. To get your baseline results, don't wear any tinted lenses during the test. To see your ...
其实这样的测试只要通过 EnChroma 这个网站的免费服务,就可以随时都进行测试,完成后,会有简单的测试报告供你参考。 如何利用 EnChroma 网站来进行色盲测试? 1.使用浏览器进入 EnChroma网站,按[ START TEST ]就可进入测试。 2.答题时,就是用鼠标按图片上的数字,系统会随即进入下一题,如此重复,直到结束。 3.测试报...
Safety Kids Prescription Polarized Apparel Gift Guide Learn Lens Guide How Our Glasses Work What Is Color Blindness? Types of Color Blindness Facts About Color Blindness Color Accessibility Program About Us Take The Color Blind Test Find a Retailer ...
打开下面网址: 然后点击Strat Test按钮开始测试, 选择对应的数字, 提示:电脑端用户,如果不确定图片里面是什么数字的话,选择Unsure按钮;如果图片里看不到任何数字,选择Nothing按钮。手机端用户没有这两个选项,如果不确定图片中数字的话,可以选择Pass按钮。 如果测试完成...
“Currently, at least with the indoor/computer lens type, there is no empirical way to test if your color vision is improved at all by the EnChroma technology. For the Cx-14 and Cx-25 lenses one can simply go to a garden or any spot with nature and they should be able to notice a...
二、测试与购买 动了心,想打开新世界的大门就到官网做了测试
So I would Suggest that you be sure to take the colorblind test to find out which pair is best for you. It was sad they didn’t work for him. But they worked for the rest of the ones who tried them with amazing results. Their biggest fear was that they might start to depend on ...
LIGHT filtersCOLOR blindnessObjective: This study examined the effectiveness of Enchroma Cx-14 filters on individuals with Red-Green color vision deficiency (CVD). Methods: ColorDx and the Farnsworth-Munsell (FM) 100-Hue test were used to assess subjective reactions to Enchroma....
(median: 8), Mann-Whitney U Test, p = 0.27. It was, however, more likely for someone with color blindness to report a number closer to 1 than it was for a a non-color blind person. This may be due to those with color blindness being perfectly content in their one-of-a-kind ...