Enhance your world with EnChroma color blind glasses. Shop our wide range of top-quality color blind eyewear and see the vibrant world in a whole new light.
BEST TOOL IN THE TOOLBOX On the job color blind glasses that meet ANSI Z87.1 recommended impact standards to help reduce the risk of impact-related injury and protect from UV radiation, dust, dirt, and splashes. Summit Sale price$289 Black Shop By Category Outdoor Kids Indoor 60...
enchroma glasses 中文翻译“Enchroma眼镜”是“enchroma glasses”的标准中文译名,这一翻译既保留了品牌名称的专有属性,也清晰传达了产品类型。以下从翻译依据、品牌背景、产品功能等角度展开说明: 翻译依据“Enchroma”为美国一家光学技术公司的注册商标,属于专有名词,遵循翻译惯...
Enchroma Glasses A revolutionary improvement to the technology behind colour blindness corrective glasses. Where to Buy Enchroma Glasses Enchroma Glasses Price Do Enchroma Colour Blind Glasses Work?
对于患有色盲症的朋友来说,他们眼中世界的颜色是不真实的,这也对他们的生活带来了很多的不便,据统计,全球约有近3亿人患有色盲症,不过为了给这样一群人还原真实的色彩,Enchroma特别推出了一款采用Enchroma Cx镜片的眼镜,该款眼镜并没有采用复杂的色彩对比度增强法,而只是通过色彩过滤和分离的方式来帮助色盲或色弱群体...
to the EnChroma Cx lens. We believe there is about a 75% chance that EnChroma glasses will ...
to the EnChroma Cx lens. We believe there is about a 75% chance that EnChroma glasses will ...
Or their blue sensitive (S) protein are a bit misshapen and like more green light rather than blue. This is similar to a small child trying to swim out and play in 4 foot high waves. Or the red sensitive (L) is shifted to respond more to green. But how do Enchroma glasses fix ...
Although there is no cure for CVD, specially filtered glasses are purported to improve color contrast. One recent development is the EnChroma filter. The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of the EnChroma filter on color vision screening (CVS) using Ishihara and Farnsworth D-15 ...