I always love decoding the sneaky secret messages hidden in Taylor’s written lyrics, so naturally the day Speak Now came out, I played the whole thing from top to bottom as I added up the capital letters per each song’s set of lyrics. As track 8 came to a close and the album swit...
Adam Young解出了Taylor歌中暗含的密语。2011年情人节将至,Owl City特地翻唱Taylor Swift为其创作的大热歌曲<Enchanted>! Enchanted - Owl City There I was again tonight Forcing laughter, faking smiles Same old tired, lonely place, Walls o...
The lyrics ofEnchantedare wonderfully romantic as she describes what it feels like to cross paths with someone she finds intriguing for the first time. The song chronicles the first moment their eyes meet and continues to the point of her questioning whether or not he...
As he knelt to study the tracks, a hint of jazbay bloomed on his tongue, a side effect of the Night-Eye that the mages cou 分享102 owlcity吧 ponyjump 【弱问】有人注意到Owl City回唱Taylor歌的图上附了个信么? Dearest Taylor I’ll be the first to admit I’m a rather shy boy and...
DKchan 人生首单 5 This is owl city version enchanted lyrics=.=:P 不是倒霉是霉霉 冠军单曲 12 有 meier001021 年度艺人 9 非常美的故事!支持小青和Adam Young 登录百度帐号 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载贴吧APP看高清直播、视频! 贴吧页面意见反馈 违规贴吧举报反馈通道 贴吧违规信息处理公示1...
Speak Now中的主打歌之一,曾获美国各项大奖,Taylor Swift 自述对Owl City一见钟情,萌生情愫,写下这首美丽缱绻的歌,更像love story,让人荡气回肠。绝对是泰勒最好听的歌,没有之一!+ 更多内容... 艺人 Taylor Swift 标签 love Speak Now Lyrics HQ Taylor Swift Enchanted 音乐 饭团视频 更多...
Same old tired, lonely place 每个人都假装友善 Walls of insincerity 当我看见你时候,我飘忽不定的眼神和空虚的心灵顿时消失 Shifting eyes and vacancy vanished when I saw your face 我所能说的是看见你让我很着迷 All I can say is it was enchanting to meet you 你迷人双眼像是在低语...
是真的,Owl City承认了。Taylor的Enchanted就是写给他的,Owl City的真名叫做Adam Young,Taylor的enchanted的歌词本暗语拼起来就是A-D-A-M,Owl City录制这首歌时还改了歌词,最后一句话就是“And i just wish you knew taylor i was so in love with you”(我只是希望你知道Taylor我是那么地爱你)据说两人是...
Owl City <Enchanted> 戴上耳机,感受Taylor Swift和Adam Young。 <Enchanted>是Taylor Swift专辑<Speak Now>里的一首歌,虽然她从没说过,但正如别人能看出她之前的一千首歌是分别在骂哪一千个不同的前男友一样,我们都知道这歌是她写给Adam Young...