Minecraft 1.20 Enchanted-gapple!!_1.0[(neoforge)1.20.6].jar ReleaseR 1.20.6 NeoForge Jan 26, 2025 Enchanted-gapple!!_1.0[(neoforge)1.20.4].jar ReleaseR 1.20.4 NeoForge Jan 26, 2025 Enchanted-gapple!!_1.0[(fabric)1.20.1].jar ReleaseR 1.20.1 Fabric Jan 26, 2025 Minecraft 1.19 Enchan...
网络释义 1. 附魔金苹果 MC我的世界合成表M... ... 苹果和金粒 Apple & Gold Nuggets附魔金苹果Enchanted Golden Apple苹果和金块 Apple & Gold Bl… www.minecraftxz.com|基于13个网页
This Quality of Life Mod makes Enchanted Golden Apples craftable. With 8 Gold Blocks (which is 72 gold ingots) and an Apple you can craft an Enchanted Golden Apple Recipe: Requirements:None Supported versions:[1.18.2+1.19.2]
Minecraft: Java Edition Forums IsaacHQ4 years ago I was streaming speedruns when I got an enchanted golden apple in about 10 seconds. I looked for the category, but I could only find a normal golden apple speedrun not and enchanted golden apple speedrun. Could someone help me? please? iluk...
This Minecraft tutorial explains how to craft an enchanted golden apple with screenshots and step-by-step instructions. In Minecraft, the enchanted golden apple is often called a Notch Apple. When you eat an enchanted golden apple in Survival mode, it gi
This Minecraft tutorial explains how to give a player an enchanted golden apple with screenshots and step-by-step instructions. You can give an enchanted golden apple whenever you want using a cheat (game command) in Minecraft. This is done using the /gi
I think description contains a secret message. Maybe this armor has some sort of glowing animation. Like golden apple. ReplyGood karmaBad karma+8 votes xXMaNiAcXx-Oct 4 2011- 4,807 comments Maybe the armor is like your avatar. ReplyGood karmaBad karma+24 votes ...
Crafting Enchanted Golden Apple - [Fabric] Bycreanter Mods 13,784 Description This mod brings back the crafting of Enchanted Golden Apples