Enchanted Book Bundles are UNCOMMON-LEGENDARY distributable packages which contain several Enchanted Books. When right-clicked in the player's hand, they are given the listed quantity of the Enchanted Book the Bundle contains. The Bundle is consumed in t
SkyBlock Prototype June 11, 20190.1AddedEnchanted Acacia Wood. v·d·eAcacia Wood Collection Acacia Minion Acacia Leaves Portal to Savanna Woodland Savanna Biome Stick Enchanted Acacia Wood Repelling Candle Savanna Bow Acacia Birdhouse Community content is available underCC-BY-SAunless otherwise noted....
Enchanted Spruce Wood is an UNCOMMON item unlocked in Spruce Wood V. It is used in upgrades for the Spruce Minion and for crafting the Wolf Pet. Like all types of wood, it's also used to trade for a Wood Singularity. Wood Singularity Wolf Pet (Common-
Enchanted Hard Stone is an UNCOMMON item that can be crafted with 576x Hard Stone upon reaching Hard Stone III. It can also be obtained with Compact when mining Hard Stone.