fatigue and body pains, through to infection of the central nervous system where it results in inflammation (meningitis to severe encephalitis) that can lead to long-term neurological damage or death. Encephalitis is more common in older patients. ...
Encephalitis presents as diffuse or focal neuropsychological dysfunction. Although it primarily involves the brain, it often involves the meninges as well (meningoencephalitis). From an epidemiologic and pathophysiologic perspective, encephalitis is distinct from meningitis, though on clinical evaluation both ...
While the above factors may help in narrowing the differential diagnosis, often it is impossible to establish or rule out herpes simplex encephalitis; it occurs worldwide, in all seasons and in all ages. It has no characteristic prodromal illness and no specific laboratory findings (Whitleyet al....
Supportive care is a type of care for patients who are seriously ill. The goal is to focus your treatment on what is most important to you. This may involve, for instance, focusing on relieving your symptoms and how other treatments will affect how you feel. You usually get supportive care...
What Causes Encephalitis? Many viruses and a few other microbes can cause encephalitis. These include herpes simplex viruses, HIV, rabies, mumps, polio, and cytomegalovirus; the bacterium that causes Lyme disease; and the parasite that causes toxoplasmosis. Herpes simplex is the most common ...
Geraghty CM and McCarthy JS (2004) Japanese encephalitis vaccine: is it being sufficiently used in travellers? MJA. 181(5): 269-270.Geraghty CM, McCarthy JS. Japanese encephalitis vaccine: is it being sufficiently used in travellers? Med J Aust 2004;181:269-70.Geraghty CM, McCarthy JS, ...
West Nile virus frightens many parents because it can cause a type of infection called encephalitis. What is encephalitis? Meningitis is primarily an inflammation of the lining of the brain and spinal cord, and sometimes of the brain itself. Encephalitis is primarily an inflammation of the brain....
If you're travelling to Asia, you're probably mindful of the risks of malaria, dengue, or Zika. But authorities are warning Australians to take care to avoid another mosquito-borne disease, Japanese encephalitis, when holidaying in the region, after a sp
Learn about your health condition and how it may be treated. Discuss treatment options with your healthcare providers to decide what care you want to receive. You always have the right to refuse treatment. The above information is an educational aid only. It is not intended as medical advice...
What Is Vitamin D? Conditions Why Do Spicy Foods Cause Runny Noses? Related Articles Discussion Comments Bylaughlion56— On Feb 25, 2014 Viruses, germs, bacteria and even fungi can cause encephalitis. Mosquitoes and even ticks can carry disease that cause the infection. The reason why there ar...