It occurs most frequently in infants younger than 1 year of age and in elderly patients older than the age of 65 with intermediate incidence in individuals between these age extremes. Microbiology • Up to 60% of encephalitis cases result from an unidentified etiologic agent. • Viruses, bact...
Anti-N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor encephalitis (a-NMDARe) is an acute or subacute encephalopathy where electroencephalogram (EEG) is frequently obtained as part of the workup. Although no diagnostic EEG finding has been described so far, the definition of specific or typical patterns might help ...
69 Vascular congestion and petechial or larger hemorrhages may be present; progression of the infection results in extensive and frequently hemorrhagic destruction of brain.70 Herpes simplex encephalitis presents with an almost universal triad of headache (in over 90% of cases), fever, and ...
Acute graft vs. host disease (GVHD), frequently reported during the application of PBMC-humanized mice models, is attracting attention due to the risk of misinterpretation of disease models [31,32]. In the current study, mice transferred with a high dose of cells (1 × 107cells) from ...
Frequently, few neutrophils were present in the areas of neuronal necrosis. Additionally, multifocal mild lym- phohistiocytic meningitis was present. The severity of lesions varied between animals, anatomical regions and over time. Lesions were mildest at day 3 pi (Figure 5A). The olfactory ...
Syncope (vasovagal or vasodepressor reaction; fainting) may occur following vaccination; such reactions occur most frequently in adolescents and young adults. Syncope and secondary injuries may be averted if vaccinees sit or lie down during and for 15 minutes after vaccination. If syncope occurs, ...
Seizures in NMDARE are frequently temporal onset. SE is common and associated with higher likelihood of ICU level care, longer hospitalization, and higher need for post-hospital rehabilitation. Despite the significant short-term impact of SE, long-term outcome was not affected, and seizure prognosis...
Several lines of evidence suggest that JEV frequently causes severe encephalitic illness, and is one of the most important endemic encephalitides in the world, espe- cially in Eastern and Southeastern Asia, clinically mani- festing with fever, headache, vomiting, signs of meningeal irritation and...
(Table 12.1). These include an inactivated cell-culture vaccine, a live attenuated JE–yellow feverchimeric vaccine, and a live attenuated SA-14-14-2 vaccine. JE-Vax (Biken), an inactivated mouse brain-derived vaccine with a significant adverse effect profile frequently referenced in the ...
Conclusions Encephalopathy and encephalitis are among the complications most frequently reported in the registry. More than one-third of patients presented mild or moderate confusional syndrome. The mean time from onset of infection to onset of neurological symptoms was 8 days (up to 24 hours ...