This post provides the theoretical explanation of polymorphism with real-life examples. For detailed explanation on this topic with java programs referpolymorphism in javaandruntime & compile time polymorphism. Polymorphism means to process objects differently based on their data type. In other words it...
Encapsulation means data hiding using getter and setters. Abstraction means hiding implementation details using [abstract class]( “abstract class”) and [interface]( “interface”). Abstraction is more...
Abstraction represent taking out the behavior from how exactly is implemented. For example, instead of describing the engine as a diesel engine or steam engine, you just say engine. One example of abstraction in Java is aninterfacewhile Encapsulation means hiding details of implementation from the ...
Encapsulation in Java means hiding of variables in the class from outside world, and giving access to those variables through methods (setters and getters).
Discover what is encapsulation in Java, the technique of hiding class data and behavior behind public methods. Improves code quality, security, and maintenance.
An object exposes its behavior by means of public methods or functions. The set of functions an object exposes to other objects or external world acts as the interface of the object. For indepth understanding of java click on
What is Encapsulation in Java? Encapsulationis like putting things in a box and only allowing certain ways to interact with them. In programming, it means bundling data (variables) and methods (functions) that work with the data together in a single unit, often called a class. This helps in...
CompositionmeansHAS A InheritancemeansIS A Example: Carhas aEngine and Caris aAutomobile In programming this is represented as: 1classEngine {}//The engine class.23classAutomobile{}//Automobile class which is parent to Car class.45//Car is an Automobile, so Car class extends Automobile class....
}(); // Note the '()', this means we're calling the function // and assigning the *returned object,* instead of // the *function itself* for the value of 'person.' alert(person.getFullName()); // Jason Shapiro person.setFullName( "Jim White" ); ...
To achieve abstraction in JAVA we set data fields as private which means now no outside class can access it. However to allow outside class to read and write the data on those data fields we create public getter and setter methods. ...