RE: 最新ENB核心0.498p~enbseries_skyrimse_v0498p~8月21日 [
使用N卡的可以看看这个方法B 使用enbinjector.exe,作者不确定是否有效3从launcher,显卡选项里关掉抗锯齿和各向异性过滤( ANTIALIASING AND ANISOTROPIC FILTERING )。ENB里已经有不错的设置了。如果你电脑不错的话依然可以开启FXAA,但一定要把异性过滤关了不然显示会有毛病。N卡...
光的环境是:ELFX + ELFX Fix + ELE + Relighting Skyrim for ELFX特别版 + ELFX ELE兼容补丁 + 自制兼容补丁(我全都要 3楼2020-02-02 23:22 收起回复 SAWang 圣徒女帝 8 Ljoss是最近新出的ENB,但是却很火,色调很正,只有Ljoss下皮肤是煞白的,但感觉上偏冷(如果是原版Ljoss的话人脸接近不开ENB的效果...
For example, patches for Silent Hill Homecoming, Deus Ex Human Revolution and TES Skyrim may help to reduce lags, stuttering, crashes, bsods, increase performance, fix strange bugs on single core cpu systems. Graphic modifications do not have patch code in most cases, unless specified in ...
skyrim+enb to max out rapidly. But I'm a stubborn motherfucker and want my perfect Skyrim on...
Unpack and copy "enbhelper.dll" into the "enbseries" folder, inside the Skyrim game folder. 3 - Downloadthe Skyrim Beautification Project ENB Settings Skyrim Beautification Project ENB Settings 3.14(LINK) Unpack and copy the files into the Skyrim Game folder. When asked,overwrite any existing fi...
这是唯一一个真正的HDR附加费Skyrim MOD,其他所有都是假的。它使用12通行证和HDR的计算有没有在任何...
在3DM Mod站下载上古卷轴5:天际最新的用于ENBSeries的模块化着色器库 - Skyrim LE Mod,由--JawZ--制作。xxladxlw在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧! 详细介绍 Mod作者: --JawZ-- Mod版本: 1.0 Mod大小: 6.93 MB 更新时间...
Before update to a new version of this preset please uninstall the previous one! In the Skyrim SE Folder, delete: enbseries folder, d3d11.dll, d3dcompiler_46e.dll, enblocal.ini and enbseries.ini. Also delete the enbcache folder. ...
Careful consideration should be used when adding such assets with ENBSeries. Testing may be required to find the right balance of quality and performance that best fits the system hardware.Be realistic with screen resolutions. Skyrim won't be playable in 4K resolution with a single GTX1060. The...