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本人出绝招了。阳光明..enb 详细解说...[PROXY]第三方.dllEnableProxyLibrary=true(第三方.dll在游戏启动时运行) [true=开启,false关闭]InitProxyFunction
去下载一个IMG工具,然后在打开IMG,按<文件>接着在GTA San Andreas/models里找到gat3(双击一下),最后按F2查找文件(把自己下的MOD文件名字打上去列如:***.dff和***.txd.)查找后点击右键,点替换,就OK啦!!!够详细了吧!!!
As you probably know recently ENB got new update which brings complex shadows which cast good looking shadows from buildings and cars similar to Render Hook...but they have a big problem. If an object that is casting shadows moves behind the player, it d
Optix ENBSeries for medium-sized PC Super Realistic Grass Cleaning bugs developers ENBseries ENBSeries by LeRxaR v4.0 ENBSeries v1.1 EnbSeries by gta19991999 v2 ENBSeries by egor585 V2 ENBSeries v1.0 By GAZelist 2727 BMW M3 F80 Blue 1112 2015 BMW M3 F80 777 Yaz Drag 720 ...
然后,找到enbseries.ini这个文件双击打开,第四行末尾有smaa.dll或fxaa.dll 这是抗锯齿文件,讲smaa.dll删除,键入d3d9_1.dll,再关闭,保存 11楼2014-06-09 21:00 收起回复 便利贴的爱LH 马路幽灵 11 到这里,如果你下载的不是汉化版,就下载汉化补丁,安装后就可以了,有汉化,有ENB效果,但是重要的抗锯齿被取消...
01月05日漏签0天 gta5mod吧 关注:84,026贴子:601,210 看贴 图片 吧主推荐 玩乐 1 2 3 4 下一页 尾页 95回复贴,共4页 ,跳到 页确定 <返回gta5mod吧ENBSeries v0.387 for GTA 5【ENB官方更新】 只看楼主收藏回复 智黑岩月 内牛满面 13 送TA礼物 1楼2019-06-15 19:09回复 ...
Light ENBSeries for GTA San Andreas. Setting up a workable in SA:MP and the MTA. The setup includes a new timecyc, new reflections and water. The setting is perfect for owners of medium-sized computers. Download mod Light ENBSeries for GTA San Andreas below. ...