I had a glitch.My Windows 11 laptopvery much preferred 2.4 GHz connections. Once it picked a 2.4 GHz radio, it would always connect to another 2.4 GHz radio after being disconnected. I had to turn WiFi off and on again on the laptop to get it to connect to 5.8 GHz again. This is...
Secure Shell (SSH) TCP: 3389 Windows Remote desktop protocol (RDP) TCP: 23 Telnet (remote terminal protocol) TCP: 3690 Subversion (SVN, an open-source version control system) TCP: 25 Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) TCP: 4848 GlassFish (application server) TCP/UDP: 53 Domain Name Syste...
Recommendation for SSH on Windows Server 2008 R2? Recommended permissions for home/hoaming profile shares Recommended rebooting of windows server Recording my voice and burning on to a CD in Windows 10 Recycle Bin to SID Mapping for Server 2008 Redirected folders not being created redirecting output...
For Sun ZFS storage, the connection is over ssh. Select the Storage Credentials, or click on the green plus sign to add. Note: These credentials will be used by the Management Agent to execute storage (NetApp or Sun ZFS) APIs. Only credentials owned by the user are displayed here. In...
Windows OS Root User Running User Group (Non-root User) Root User Administrator A300V Pro N N N N/A Example Enable SSH for all chips on device 1. npu-smi set -t ssh-enable -i 1 -d 1 This device does not support setting ssh-enable. Output Description NoneTradu...
Configuration: Minikube v1.10.1 Windows 10 Home VirtualBox 6.1 Steps to reproduce the issue: minikube version minikube start --driver=virtualbox --no-vtx minikube delete minikube start --driver=virtualbox --no-vtx --alsologtostderr Using...
Enabling plugins on node rabbit (在windows7 安装RabbitMQ) cmd输入 rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management 问题如下: 解决方式(cmd): C:\xxx\RabbitMQ\rabbitmq_server-3.7.16\sbin>rabbitmq-service remove C:\xxx\erlang\erl10.4\erts-10.4\bin\erlsrv: Service RabbitMQ removed fr...
SSH into your router. You can use PuTTY for Windows, or your favourite SSH client. SSH stands for Secure Shell which allows you to run commands on the device you connect to, in this case your OpenWRT router. The below command assumes your router IP address is, change it acc...
from:https://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/WindowsServer2003/Library/IIS/ea116535-8eb9-4c80-8b14-b34418dbfe42.mspx?mfr=true Procedures To enable HTTP Keep-Alives 1. InIIS Manager, expand the local computer, expand theWeb Sitesfolder, right-click the Web site, and clickProperties....
SSH, or TLS, IPsec operates in the Internet Layer rather than operating in the upper layers of the TCP/IP model. Hence, IPsec protects any application traffic across an Internet Protocol (IP) network. Applications do not need to be specifically designed to use IPsec, whereas TLS/SSL is requ...